Scenario: Multiple Variables

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation: The team is attempting to analyze the problem situation in a search to identify the one key variable that they can influence or change to create movement in the direction of their established goal or end result. They are debating the relevance of only a few factors and seem to be ignoring the probability that the problem situation was caused or is perpetuated by multiple factors.

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    Carla Derijck


    Since the team is debating I would start asking them “how they are doing as team on a scale of 1-10”. Followed up by the question “what are they doing good and what can they do better”.
    A question that might help the group to focus more broadly would be “how diverse are the perceptions, ideas, facts that we are examining?” Followed up by “What is the benefit of asking curious questions”?


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    Helen E


    as coach, i would guide them to explore more diverse options. a relevant question could be’are we all satisfied that we are examining all the issues?’ or ‘could there be other aspects of this problem we haven’t examined?’.the idea is that this will get them looking at a broader picture, and hopefully, discover the other issues that caused the problem.


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    As AL coach, I will intervene the group by asking them questions, like, “Could we group reach the goal if we only look into the few factors?” I may ask them to score the possibilities which they could realize their goal from 1-10. And then let them express the reason of the specific score.
    Through this intervention, give chance for the team to think about and find a better way to continue.


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    As their AL coach, I will intervene by checking how well are they doing as a team so far on a scale of 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent). This question is followed by another one on whether the team can derive a problem statement at the end of the session, if the team were to keep on debating the relevance of those few factors.


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    I argee with langzeng’s opinion very much. The question: “could we group reach the goal if we only look into the few factors” is very powful for a coach, I think. I should give chance for the team to think about and find the best way to go on.


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    As a coach, I will intervene, and ask the team members (according to the situation, choose the following questions):
    How do we find solutions?
    If 1-10, we will give how many points?
    How can we improve our score?
    On the Angle of thinking, we do?
    What doesn’t take into acco


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    What i could do is when the checkpoint comes i can ask “How much have we explored all angles of this problem?”. The answers will help reflect on what scope they have so far. From there i can ask “If we wanted to expand our exploration of this problem, what questions would we ask?”

    If this works, I can use this as a customized learning process at the end of the session:
    “What was the result of expanding our exploration of this problem?
    “What allowed us to expand further?”
    “What are the benefits if we can use what we learned in expanding our exploration of our problem in our work?”


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    As coaches we want to demonstrate questions for the team, so use closed questions when we want a closed answer and open questions when we want more information.

    After asking the 3 standard questions I would ask –

    How are we doing exploring all the factors that influence this challenge?
    Why is it important that we explore all the factors?
    What can we do to expand the factors we are looking at?

    Happy Coaching


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