Our Clients

WIAL Thailand

WIAL Thailand is the Thailand affiliate of the World Institute for Action Learning and was established in 2012 by its current and sole director Peter Cauwelier.

Action Learning is a powerful method well adapted to the VUCA environment of the 21st century. Action Learning allows to simultaneously solve complex problems, develop leadership skills, build high-performance teams and develop the culture of a learning organization.

Our Services

WIAL Thailand offers the WIAL-approved standard programs Foundations of Action Learning, Certified Action Learning Coach, Leading with Questions and Building the Learning Organization as public or in-house programs, in Thai or English. In addition, we design customized programs based on Action Learning taking the client’s particular context and needs into account.

WIAL Thailand also offers the support of highly qualified Action Learning coaches for organizations that want to support a particular team over a number of sessions to get in a short time the benefits of Action Learning.

Upcoming Programs

Click here to find out when and where the upcoming WIAL Thailand programs are happening.

Contact Us

If you’re interested in finding out more about how WIAL Thailand can help you,
contact us today!