WIAL Gives Back – Supporting Global Recovery Complete this form to propose your pro bono contribution to the WIAL Gives Back program. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.My name *FirstLastMy email *My country of residence *I am a … *(select only one)CALC-in-trainingWIAL CALCWIAL PALCWIAL SALCWIAL MALCMy WIAL Action Learning coaching experience *(select only one)Less than 10 hoursBetween 10 and 30 hoursBetween 30 and 50 hoursMore than 50 hoursWhen it comes to virtual Action Learning sessions I /I am *(select only one)have never done virtual sessionssomewhat familiarvery familiarI can play the role of an Action Learning coach in the following languages: *(required)Single Line Text(optional)Single Line Text(optional)I am willing to contribute to the WIAL Gives Back program approximately *(select)1 hour per month2 hours per month3 hours per month4 hours per month5 hours per month6 hours per month7 hours per month8 hours per month9 hours per month10 hours per month11 hours per month12 hours per month13 hours per month14 hours per month15 hours per monthfor a total of *(select)1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months9 months10 months11 months12 monthsAny additional remarksI prefer to contribute to a project (select all that apply): *in my own countryat a global scaleThank you for your interest in supporting the WIAL Gives Back – Supporting Global Recovery program. There will be a limited number of coaching opportunities and we will do our utmost best to accommodate all the WIAL Action Learning coaches who sign up and match these with the needs expressed by the potential beneficiaries.Personal Data *Personal Data *You acknowledge and agree that we may use your personal information consistent with our privacy policy and that we may share your information with the international WIAL organization and other WIAL Affiliates. Once you are certified as a coach or partner, you authorize us to post your contact information, and the photo, company name, title, website address, curriculum vitae or brochure, affiliation, credentials, bio and other similar information that you provide to us on WIAL directories and in other WIAL materials or communications, listing you as a coach or partner, as applicable.MessageSubmit