Servebetter “Serves Better” with Action Learning Training
Servebetter is a social enterprise based in Malaysia dedicated to providing guidance, training and consultancy to NGOs to achieve their social impact goals. In 2017, Servebetter received Better World Funding to send several of their leaders to Action Learning training as well as receive action learning coaching around challenges they faced as an organization. This helped them achieve their goal of assisting more NGOs in developing their capabilities. NGO leaders who have attended the WIAL courses have greatly benefitted from the workshop and are appreciative to WIAL FSG and WIAL Malaysia for giving them this opportunity.” “The design of the Action Learning process for problem solving enables people in the NGOs to discuss issues and challenges in a structured way. NGOs have at last found a tool that not only generates acceptable solutions but also helps the team work together by creating great bonds.” – SP Nathan from Servebettertestimonials
“I wish all meetings ran like this one. Everyone’s voice was heard and the time factor motivated us to drive to consensus and action.”
– Susie, Volunteer“I saw something new that I didn’t see as an opportunity before coming into this meeting. I also experienced the power of coming to consensus on the opportunity. I realize that we (my team & I) jump to solutions without agreement as to the problem, goal, etc.”
– Paula, CEO of the First Tee of Denver“I found writing down my idea of what I saw the opportunity [to be] as powerful. It helped me with the leadership skill I was working on which was really listening and being bold.”
– Debbie, Volunteer