Scenario: Powerful Question

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation:

Someone asks a question that changes the depth and understanding of the true nature of the problem.

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    Hemant Sagar


    I would ask the group “Do we still have a common understanding of the problem as a group?” and ask each participant. If there is need to restate the problem. If so I would ask the group to do so a second time.
    If the depth of the question is obvious to all and it deepens the questioning and the understanding of the problem restating the problem will not be necessary and the session can continue at this new level of understanding.


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    Patricia C. Gonzalez


    Once the question has been answered by the group, I would intervene by asking, “I have observed that the understanding of the problem has changed since the last question was asked, has anyone else noticed this?”. This should get a reponse where the team recognizes the shift in their understading of the problem. I would follow with, “So why is it important that we build upon each other’s questions?”. Followed by, ” How do we want to continue to make this happen?”


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    [email protected]


    Get the team to give consensus of understanding of the problem again.


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    I would get the team, at the appropriate moment, to restate the problem again by writing it down and each sharing with the group.


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    I would ask for each person to acknowledge Yes or No to “do we agree to what the problem is” followed by getting them each to write it down and read it out. Then I would ask again if we agree to what the problem is. If there is consensus I would ask who has the next question. If there was not agreement I would ask the Problem Presenter to again state the problem and then ask ” who has the next question”.


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    At the moment, I would likely let the group continue for a bit more especially if they were in that deep reflective stage.

    Once that had explored this new area I would intervene starting with the standard 3 questions, followed by do we have consensus on the problem? Let’s write it down and see how close we are. After each had read what they’d written – Once again I would ask if we had consensus on the problem.

    Happy Coaching


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    I will discuss the powerful question in the section of the final reflection.
    As regards the group learning performance, I will check following topics with the team.
    What is the best part of our team performance?
    What have we learned from the powerful question?
    Have you also found that powerful question during the discussion process?
    What effect has the powerful question been brought to the team?

    In addition to part of the group learning performance, I will feedback my findings to the member who raised the powerful question.


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    Great! Powerful question is which we want to see in the discussion! I will give the team rich time to think about it and let them wirte down the answer and question to share each other,


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    I will encourage to the group to ask powerful questions and after few mitutes I ask everyone to try to answer the powerful questions until all of them don’t answer about this question. Then tell the member: let us continue to next questions.


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