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As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation:

The members were enthusiastic to help the problem presenter. They asked many good questions. However, the problem presenter commented its confidential info and would not answer some of the questions. Members felt they were not able to help the problem presenter much if their questions were not answered and they could not see the value of action learning in this instance. But the problem presenter felt the session was useful to him in addressing his problem.

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation:

The problem presenter asks the team to suggest some solutions. The team members start telling stories of their experience. These stories aren’t answering the question – What are some potential solutions.

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation:

A member arrives to a three hour session one hour late.  You conduct coaching inquiries and he is smoothly integrated into the team.  15 minutes later he is exchanging friendly but sarcastic comments with a team member that end with him using a hand gesture that would cause most folks to take offense to a fellow team member.

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation:

You are coaching a leadership development program with a group of senior engineers…One of them is a Six Sigma Black Belt with years of experience in problem solving methods.  During the middle of your second meeting to frame the problem, the Black Belt notes that it is taking way too long to come to agreement on the problem.  Some of the Type A members of the group nod their heads in agreement.

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation:

The team is attempting to analyze the problem situation in a search to identify the one key variable that they can influence or change to create movement in the direction of their established goal or end result. They are debating the relevance of only a few factors and seem to be ignoring the probability that the problem situation was caused or is perpetuated by multiple factors.

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation:

Every time the team seems close to getting to consensus a question is asked that takes them someplace else. You realize there are two levels that are being looked at – some participants are focused at a single group level (How do I address this with my group?), others at a corporate level (How do I address this with all groups?). 

From Tom Janiak

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle:

In the first session, there is a lot of humor in the team. Participants joke about the the 1st ground rule and answer in a parody manner, e.g. “Dear John, in reply to your question I would venture to say…”. Whenever you ask a serious question, like “what are we doing well?”, first comes a joke and only then a genuine answer.

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation: The team is involved in generating a number of alternative perceptions, ideas, opinions, facts, etc. The team focuses on only one (e.g., debating their merits or validity) and omits other items from explicit consideration.