
“As part of our executive development program, we utilized “Action Learning” to help our leaders work through specific problems and learn from each other during the problem solving process. We found Action Learning effective, as it helped the leaders discover solutions through a group coaching format, simultaneously leveraging off each of their experiences as they come from different functions and regions.”

“Adapting to the growing demands to face unprecedented humanitarian challenges, many of our 192 Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies have been facing emerging complex organizational issues related to governance, sustainability, positioning and relationship with their national and local authorities.”
“WIAL Action Learning has made a big difference in supporting them to deal with issues that are extremely difficult to solve. It also implanted seeds on a different approach to work together.”

“In the first session I realized how this process enables colleagues to constructively provide essential input and different viewpoints. The ground rules are disruptive to probably most standard dynamics in a team – in a very positive way! The process allows to surface elements that otherwise remain hidden or not voiced and this ultimately upscales the understanding of everyone. Only speaking when asked also prevents any sidetracks and increases the focus in the discussion. I found it a great methodology to improve effectiveness of the team.”
“I was genuinely impressed with the impact the Action Learning approach had on our team dynamics.”
Peter Streibl
Country Manager
Takeda, Thailand

“I saw that when the accountability becomes ours, the collaboration just happens. We also made our environment very safe and very stimulating. I believe that Action Learning has created a new purpose for our organization to help others.”
Ashwini Timblo Gupta
Pathfinders Preschool
Mumbai, India

HR Friday used Action Learning to move from a social network to a social enterprise. The organization’s key volunteers developed the long term plan and established task force teams to implement the plan in a single year. At the same time, participants developed their leadership and questioning skills tremendously.
“We made great progress in delivering courses and sharing sessions to Taiwan’s HR community. Four years after the start of the Action Learning program, we keep on using Action Learning in our talent development program and in our management meetings.”
Charles Lu
Founder & CEO
HR Friday

We used Action Learning to build a shared vision between owner and management team and developed the goal of creating a so-called self-developing team. We have seen a visible growth of integration inside the company, strengthening the culture of mutual trust and respect. The team and the level of integration inside the team became a value for the team itself.
“Our meetings are now held in the manner of Action Learning, without interruptions, focusing on what was said and not on who said it.”
Vladimir Plasvsky
Leading the learning function within a large and fast growing company as Google, WIAL Action Learning is attractive both in its structure and its results. Through the virtual session we experienced, we were able to bring Action Learning to our teams and integrate the methodology into our problem solving and decision making groups.
“WIAL Action Learning is attractive both in its structure and its results.”
Dr. Veronica Haight
Google People Operations

For ThoughtWorks, talent is the source of the enterprise’s growth and competitive advantage. ThoughtWorks’ AURORA-Leader Development Program used Action Learning as a core method to build a talented team with excellent capabilities, broader vision and connection with the culture and mission.
During the 6 month program, trainees follow a cycle around real scenarios, learning, practice and retrospect. Each of them receives the support from a mentor, an external WIAL Action Learning coach, and the BU head.
Action learning allows trainees to think about and explore the macro issues facing senior leaders at the company’s strategic and organizational level, and at the same time work on their individual leadership development. Action learning helps us to solve real organizational problems and evaluate the corresponding results. After 2 successful years, the third AURORA starts this year !
“The more complex the problems are, the more significant improvement in trainee’s leadership capability can be observed.”
Song Zhang
Managing Director
ThoughtWorks China
Lyreco is one of the world’s leading B2B distributors of Office and Workplace products with a strong and growing ecommerce presence complementing its traditional channels. Operating in Europe for over ninety years, Asia has been one of the growth markets for the past two decades. Due to rapid growth over in Thailand, the local leadership team were searching for a way to confront many of the internal challenges resulting from rapid expansion.
Action Learning was identified as a key tool and over a six-month period, two groups of directors and managers attended foundation courses in Action Learning in either Thai or English. Seven potential coaches were selected from the earlier cohorts who were trained to become Certified Action Learning Coaches (CALC). Within the first year, the CALC at Lyreco were holding regular cross-functional Action Learning sessions with a wide selection of attendees from Lyreco in Thailand.
There have been many benefits, even in the first year; Action Learning has clearly promoted work related interaction between the departments at the different geographical locations in Thailand and all the participants are learning from each other about what is happening and planned for the future in their departments and Lyreco as whole.
The Action Learning group members are learning to ask powerful questions and it has created a format where people “have’ to ask work related questions, where previously it may have been seen as culturally inappropriate or insensitive to ask questions.
The company has clearly begun to develop a learning culture and whilst the Action Learning is helping to solve problems, we see this as a by-product, as the improved inter-departmental cooperation and openness to ask questions amongst our employees producing learning and better understanding is already a real benefit.
“Whilst there is still work to change the perception of some employees of Action Learning from a short-term program to becoming being part of our DNA, I am confident that the benefits of Action Learning will continue to impact everyone who has been exposed to it whether they remain at Lyreco or continue their career elsewhere.”
Managing Director
Lyreco Co., Limited Thailand
The Thermo Fisher Scientific team brought together 130 team members from various functions in two locations- Taiwan and Singapore to discover the power of Action Learning. Participants experienced the importance and benefits of Psychological Safety when working together. It was a rare occasion where our participants could share freely about their challenges at work. With the guidance of the Action Learning coaches, participants started learning the skills of active listening and understanding the power of questioning.
“The Action Learning coaches created a safe environment for us to share about challenges and to learn. That leads to open and courageous communication among team members, and to both challenge and help others think through the issues they are facing.”
David Loke
Regional Sales Training & Development Manager
Thermo Fisher Scientific

China Foreign Economy and Trade Trust Co., Ltd. built its second youth-talent development program around Action Learning with a hybrid training model to improve abilities in problem-solving, innovation and leadership. In the intensive learning, participants integrate their learning results with actual work through deliberate practices and tools of “leadership in action”.
Their projects help solve important issues supporting the company’s strategy while strengthening participants’ leadership and teamwork.The program has become a benchmark of talent development in the company and the WIAL Action Learning skills are deployed to the talent development at all levels of the company.
“Action learning develops a systematic and deductive way of thinking and supplements participants’ intrinsic mindset and subjective experience. The program has helped the company build up young people who identify with the company culture, dare to innovate and who bring an enterprising spirit, efficient working ability and professional accomplishment.”
Mr. Teng Li
Training Manager
China Foreign Economy and Trade Trust Co., Ltd.

The Healthcare Leadership College under MOH Holdings Pte Ltd used Action Learning as a foundation for the Activist for Change Programme, one of the key leadership development initiatives. The WIAL Action Learning coaches lead by Mr. Choon Seng Ng participated in the curriculum design, supported the various teams to work on their projects and coached the competency development of individuals and teams.
“Mr Ng and the team of WIAL Action Learning Coaches were definitely a valuable resource in the development and running of the Activist for Change Programme.”
Trevor Chua
Assistant Director
MOH Holdings Pte Ltd (MOHH) Singapore

Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) created a 9 month customized leadership development program to prepare its top managers to recreate the organization for greater effectiveness over the coming decades in a complex multiple-stakeholder environment. Action Learning was the key part of the program, and the part that participants appreciated the most !
“The Action learning group segment was vital as it created accountability and heightened the importance of active listening, working collectively and giving and receiving feedback.”
Danny Caine
Chief of Security
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) Caribbean

Auchan Retail in Ukraine is undergoing important changes and management transformations. Looking for a methodology to support the change at the different levels of the organization, Action Learning was confirmed as an excellent integral method and the first feedback is very positive. We have certified 12 Action Learning ambassadors who have in turn trained over 350 collaborators to implement Action Learning-based change initiatives in their different work areas.
“The WIAL action learning methodology is 100% in line with our goal which is to move to collaborative behaviors and helps people to be more open minded, creative and innovative.”
Frédéric Henin
Talent Development Director
Auchan Retail Ukraine

The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) used Action Learning in 2016 to support six major projects, leading to breakthrough improvement in the procurement processes and uniformity at the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS). WIAL trained LEAP alumni to become coaches for the following cohorts and this approach brought the program to the next level. Since 2017, an Action Learning Community of Practice (ALCOP) brings together 50 members from over two dozen federal agencies to share best practices and share approaches to action learning sets.
“Action Learning has become a key leadership development component of the Department of Justice’s “Leadership Excellence and Achievement Program” (LEAP) for high potentials.”
Bill Thimmesh
Program Manager, Leadership and Executive Development
Department of Justice

RLC’s Malls business unit embarked on a large scale leadership development program based on Action Learning. 17 Action Learning groups of 6-7 members from different divisions worked on some of the most complex business challenges. During 3 months, they identified root causes, developed action steps and implemented their projects while at the same time practicing their leadership values and personal improvement actions.
“The General Manager was happily surprised at the outcome of the projects and in particular the really bright ideas she didn’t expect. RLC has come to realize that instead of ad hocs or task forces for special projects, an Action Learning project to solve, plan, or work on specific organizational concerns or scenarios may be the best approach and structure in the future. Yay!”
Fatima Olaguer
Associate HR Director – HR Operations/Learning and Development
Robinsons Land Corporation

For us in AirAsia, Action Learning has helped introduce the concept of learning and leadership competencies in a manner that is practical and real, with teams working together to solve urgent, complex problems. For the past two years Action Learning has been positioned at the grassroots level, with priority focus on problem-solving and team-building skills.
“Our internal Certified Action Learning coaches are excited to continue and expand Action Learning as the cornerstone of the top leadership development programs for Air Asia, from Kuala Lumpur to Manila to Bangkok and more.”
Faz Kamaruddin
Group Head, Talent
Air Asia