Scenario: Door

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation:

At the start of the session a participant gets up and closes a door.

Tags: Action Learning Coach, WIAL Action Learning

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    Craig Senecal


    What: “What did you just notice?”
    So What: “Why do you think he/she did that?”
    Now What: “Do we need to set some norms around privacy/confidentiality?”


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    Assuming there is no major disruptions to the session, I would leave the observation until the end, when we round up the team learnings. The question I would ask is, “Team, if you remember that at the start of the session, XXX got up to close the door. What are your thoughts around this action, and how does it affect us as a team?”.


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    Craig Senecal


    Two options:
    1. You don’t need to address. A member of the group might bring it up.
    2. What: Ask: Did anyone else notice what just happened? So What: Why do you think he/she did that? Now What: Do we need to set norms around privacy/confidentiality?


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    -Does the group want to set any norms about working with an open or closed door?

    If relevant I would ask a question about how the group wants to deal with latecomers.

    I would explicitly observe how the group deals with norms about privacy during the session if the door stays open. If it comes up I would ask:
    -How does the open door impact the openness of our conversation?
    -What norm do we want to set about privacy/ anonymity?


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    Patricia De Leon - Henry


    “I observed that a member of the group just got up while the session started and closed the door?”

    “Did anyone else observe that?”

    “How could that have been done differently”

    “Would the group like to establish any norms for when members have to the leave the table for any reason?

    “Would the group like to establish any norms about the confidentiality of the session?”


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    Tomek Janiak


    1. I’ve noticed someone closed the door without asking the team about this. Did anyone notice it?
    2 What is the impact of doing things that concern the team without discussing them first?
    3. What norm do we need for such situations?


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    My questions would be the same as the window situation.

    Asking about confidentiality assumes that’s why they did it. Many times it’s just cause we always do. Or maybe noise. Or maybe office space is hard to come by and it keeps people from popping in to use the space. Or a million other reasons. The behavior is more about taking action that impacts the team without consulting the team.

    My questions would be –

    I’ve observed Windows being opened and closed, did anyone else notice that?
    (Obvious answer)
    What’s the impact on the team when an individual makes a choice that impacts the team without checking with the rest of the team?
    What should our norm be for making decisions that impact the team?

    Happy coaching


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    Andre Phillip


    I will state my observation; “I have noticed that a member of the team has closed the door, has anyone else noticed this?” assuming a response in the affirmative, I will allow the team to decide whether they prefer the door open or close by asking the follow-up question “Is this ok with the team or would you’ll prefer the door open?”


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