Scenario: Low Energy
The team took a break less than 15 minutes ago, since returning the energy in the group is very low.
Tags: Action Learning Coach, WIAL Action Learning
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C.C.C.J. Franken
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I would start to do something fysical, like a wave, some jumps, shaking up the body a bit.
then return with a higher hartbeat back in the situation
Marina Mazi
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I would say: “I had observed a low energy level in this group since you return from the break. Has someone else notice it?” If so,I would say: Why is important keeping the energy level?””How can we handle it?”
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I would do a check in with the group. My Learning question would be: How is the energy of the group right now? Why is it important that our energy level is high? How can we raise the energy in the room?
Tomasz Janiak
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“How is the level of energy? What is the impact of high energy? what do we need to bring the high energy back?”
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I would say to the group: “I have observed that the energy levels in the group has fallen, has anyone else observed this? If the answer is yes, I would ask “How could the current energy level affect the group? How can we improve the energy level? What would you like to do about it?”
Andre Phillip
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I would state my observation; “I have observed that since the team has return, the energy level among members appear to be low… (Ending my observation with the question) Has anyone else observed this?” Most likely one or more members of the team will have observed it and respond in the positive. I will then pose the question to the team, “How can we increase the energy level among members of the team?” I will then seek consensus on the most practicable suggestions offered and have the team execute.
John Tattersall
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As commented by others, it seems to me that the coach intervention should be to ask the group if they have noticed the current energy level of the group and if there is agreement that it is low, then ask them what they want to do about it. The solution on how to reinvigorate/re-energize the group should be decided by the group members. There may of course be physical factors like turning down the heating or adjusting the lighting that the coach could intervene with directly.
Best regards
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I would say to the group. What is the energy level of the group right now? ” How does a low energy level impact on the group? What should we do to ensure the energy level is stays high?
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I would conduct a check-in and bring the team’s awareness of the low level of energy after the break. I would ask “What do you think this energy can affect our team performance if we were to proceed? How can we do to bring the energy up as a team?”
Claire Davidson-Williams
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This situation occurred during a recent session I was coaching and it can be a common after break mode. In dealing with this low energy I reminded the group of the outcome they were trying to achieve and ask: How will the low energy affect the the outcome the group is working on to achieve? and What can the group do to improve the energy levels to give the best help to the problem presenter?
The responses these question cause the group to recommit to the task and move forward in asking great insightful questions for breakthrough strategies.
Lisa James
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My aim as coach would be to check-in with the team to get their take on my observation and for them to suggest possible causes and propose strategies to address the low energy situation.
I would start by posing the following:
1. I have observed that the energy level has dropped since returning from break. Has anyone else noticed this? …If the response is Yes, I would follow-up with:
2. What impact is this having on the team?…following their responses, I would then ask:
3. What strategies can we suggest to improve this and help us perform at a high energy level?
4. If the question of an energizer isn’t raised, I may ask if they believe a quick activity may help, and ask if anyone might wish to lead us in a quick energizer.
Andre Phillip
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I would state my observation; “I have observed that since the team has return, the energy level among members appear to be low… (Ending my observation with the question) Has anyone else observed this?” Most likely one or more members of the team will have observed it and respond in the positive. I will then pose the question to the team, “How can we increase the energy level among members of the team?” I will then seek consensus on the most practicable suggestions offered and have the team execute.
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Personally, I use I’ve observed sparingly. Saving it for situations where there is no debate. Is the energy situation my stuff or real. Also, I work to focus the team on the positive end of the spectrum.
After the standard 3 questions- How are we doing as a team on a scale of 1 – 10? What are we doing well? And what can we do better?
– if the energy didn’t get mentioned- I would ask
How is the energy level?
What impact would higher energy have on our problem solving?
What do we want to do to bring up the energy?
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Love all the responses, i think what i’ll do is check with the team using the scale of 1-10. How are we doing right now?
And address the energy level & the impact of having low energy with quality of solutions.
Cheryl Chua
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I will intervene and ask the following questions:
1) Team, how are we doing as a team for the energy level? On a scale of 1 to 10. 1 been low, 10 been high.
2) How does the energy level impact the progression for the AL
3) As a team, what would you all suggest we to do to build up the energy level?
4) Who have the next questions
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As a learning coach I would ask to the group;
1) What is the energy level of the group(on a scale of 1 to 10)?
2) What is the impact to the team if this scenario goes on?
3) What can we do better to bring up the energy level?
xin liangxin
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I will ask “What has just happened?What impact do you think it will be if we keep doing that?”After the answers,I will ask “What we should do to make it better?”
Shelly Gilmore
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I’d go after this one directly..
“I’ve observed the energy level is much lower since our break. Anyone else notice?”
“What’s the impact of low energy on our work?”
“How would you like to address your current energy level?”
… and let them decide what they need to do to re-energize or what’s driving the energy level change.
Chun Tyng LOW
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“I have observed the energy level now not matching to your team energy standards set earlier, what should team do to bring back the energy level to 10, so we can have another powerful learning session ahead.”
Weranuch Wongwatanakul
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My intervention could be “In the past 15 minutes, how are we doing? What do you think about our group energy after coffee break?”. Then, I’ll wait for their response and ask “How that level of energy impact our session?” “What should we do next?”. As an AL coach, I should let them plan together for what they want to do for boosting up energy. A few minutes of physical activity is just fine.
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I would state my observation and communicate that I have observed that team’s energy is lower than earlier, anyone else notice?
After the response of one or more member is “YES”, I would ask by these following questions:
1) How that level of energy impact our progress to help PP to find out real problem?
2) How can we turn our team’s energy to stay high?
3) What should we do next?
Pratya Opaspakornkit
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I’d intervene to team and ask following question …
1. Hi team, how are do you see our team energy so far ?
2. Do you think our team energy effecting PP ? or is it PP going to get help if our team energy so low like this ?
3. How could we increasing our team energy ?
Then I believe team will start offer some ideas to get more energy and finally once finished then it is going to be their commitment and action in order to give more energy to help PP onward.
Karina Colpaert
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I agree with others comments. The coach intervention should be to ask the group if they have noticed the current energy level of the group and if there is agreement that it is low, then ask them what they want to do about it and how to handle it.