Scenario: Questions / Answers

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation:

During an intervention you ask “How are we doing taping all the knowledge in the room?” A participant says “We are asking questions and (s)he (the problem presenter) is answering them – isn’t that the rule?”

Tags: Action Learning Coach

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    [email protected]


    I would thank the participant for reminding us of the rule of ‘what’ we are doing and refocus on the ‘how’ we are doing. Asking how much knowledge people have shared, what other knowledge is out there waiting to be tapped, who has knowledge they have not revealed yet. Who has had a chance to ask questions to give knowledge to others. Then moving on the the next stage- how are we doing on scale 1- 10 if necessary and any other part of the process we need to cover.


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    I would ask the team – Who can tell us what the ground rule is? What does that mean? Who can ask questions? Who can answer? What is the impact of taping into all the knowledge we have here around the table?

    Happy Coaching


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    From Nancy

    As AL coach, I would ask questions to the team to confirm the two principles.

    “What’s the ground rules?”

    “What’s the meaning of the ground rules?”

    “What will happen if we break the ground rules?”

    “What’s the good example of stick the ground rules? ”

    “How do we improve our discussion based on the ground rules?”


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    Peter Thailand


    I would ask the team to reformulate the rule that the team member is referring to, and hopefully some team member will mention the part of rule 1 where “everyone can ask questions to anyone”. If that comes up I will ask the team if we only ask questions to the problem presenter, the impact this has on our investigation of the problem or solutions, and what the team can do better in this respect. If the answer does not come up from the team, I will ask what the ground rule says about who can ask questions to whom.


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