Scenario: Team work
Tags: Action Leaning, Action Learning Coach, WIAL, WIAL Talk
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Tags: Action Leaning, Action Learning Coach, WIAL, WIAL Talk
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MARCIA REGINA 06522600803
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I would continue to intervene in the group’s learning moments and following the script.
Michael Lu
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I will support them as they move forward in the session by being present in the discussion, while acknowledging them as they progress with the session. I will process the team’s learning to see how they will bring the action steps and experience back to their workplace.
Renata Czajkowska
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I would support them in problem solving and would observe how they move towards working out the tangible outcomes of their deep problem exploration and intervene when I see the opportunity for the group to learn.
Zishan Siddiqui
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I would not really interfere as this is the desired outcome from an action learning session. However, I will adhere to the script and will ensure that ground rules are being followed during the session.
Calixto Salud Jr
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As their coach I will intervene and use the learning opportunity to enhance what they are doing extremely well. I will ask them on what they doing well as an individual and as a team and how can this further enhance the effectiveness of the session. Lastly at the end, I will ask the team how they can apply the things they did well back in their daily jobs and even in on their personal lives.
Amanda Leung
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I would continue to support the team in their discussion. Since the team has been working quite well, so I may put my focus more on their personal leadership skills development, and see if the team members could really develop such targeted skills during the discussion. Of course, I will keep observing and intervening if there is any learning opportunity for the group, and how they can develop well on their action steps.
Marcelo Conte
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It would let the process flow normally avoiding any intervention. He would remember only the time when he was about two minutes from the end of the stage.
Michal Weyna
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I will keep observing the team’s work as this scenario does not require an immediate intervention. After a while I would intervene for a brief reflection to support them in what they’re doing right, e.g. getting to the root cause of the problem.
Joern Moeller
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I will ensure that the timeframe of the team work are met, make check-ins according to script, and ask the team to reflect on their learnings within the team, and ensure that they also reach a conclusion (problem-solving) before the end of the AL session.
Kanokwan Srisunthorn
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I will let them continue the process wiht Action learning session script and monitor how do they implement the Leadership competencies and opportunity to learn among all members.
Waranunt Chooprasertchok
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I let the process proceed to the normal steps. At the end of the session, during the reflection, it is time to talk about What makes the team work effectively?
What do they learn from this session?
Which questions are useful?
How is the team working?
What we do in this session can be useful in life or work?
What we want to improve anything more.
Christine Fischer
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As the action learning coach, I would continue to follow reading from the script, so that the group continues to work within the timelines and continues to move forward to solution.
Lance Feliciano
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At least one intervention is built in the process of Action Learning. This is usually the pulse check on group dynamics. Since this scenario seems to be moving organically with progress unlike the situation wherein members seem to be hindered by an obstacle, I will allow it to flow freely with a gentle reminder for them to be practicing their chosen competencies. (Further interventions could possibly relate any of their findings from the previous intervention to their current situation.)
Pratya Opaspakornkit
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As a coach, I’d allow them to continue exploring issue deep drive until I observed that if the question overwhelm too much on PP then I will intervene and do not make PP feel tried and lose much energy on this then it will not succeed or meet criteria that as a coach, we need to ensure that PP get help from team.
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It depends on the stage of the process in which this deepening occurs. If it is during the exploration of the problem and it is still within the established time, that is fine, but if the time is up, an intervention is required in which the questions would be: “How are we going to explore the problem? Why is it important to go even deeper? How do we want this to happen in the group? The group being sovereign will reach consensus.
If the deepening of the problem happens during the stage of the questions focusing on the solution, need an intervention: How do you feel we are acting as a group on a scale of 1 to 10? I would hear each of the participants and then ask: What are we doing well? and What could we improve?
Wilailak Ashley
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As their coach of good team , i will goes with flow and not very much seeking for intervene. However , I will intervene when i see that they can enhance their learning opportunity even they doing well.
I will ask them on what/how they doing well as an individual of demonstrating leadership skill and how team member observe and learn by the end of session , I will share how my observation to them.
Arlene McComie
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As the AL coach, recognizing their shared commitment to identifying to identifying the real problem, I would delay my intervention on the process of ensuring consensus. I would need to manage the time so that the group does not lose focus and not allow enough time to ask questions to generate solutions. Once the urgent and critical problem has agreement, I will continue to observe the process for learning opportunities. If necessary, I will make interventions by asking probing questions on the quality of the questions and ability to build on each other’s questions. In the instance of a powerful question or demonstration of a leadership attitude or behavior, I would ask questions of the team to determine their learning from the session on leadership and team development.
Adela Yu
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I will follow the standard script and check in asking the team what they have done well and what could be done better. This is also a good learning opportunity for them to get to know what they have done and achieving well.
Then I will observe how they progress the session.