Scenario: Windows

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: The team is working on a porch with windows around three sides. As the session starts two participants stand up at the same time. One walks to one side of the room and closes a window, the other walks to the other and opens a window.

Tags: Action Leaning, Action Learning Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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Comments (12)

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    Savath Kuch


    As an Action Learning coach, I would intervene by asking the team what they think of the quality of team participation. I would ask what’s going well and what can be improved regarding the quality of participation. With this information and realization I would let the team proceed.


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    Ray Liu


    I would ask “Do we have agreement on the problem – yes or no?”. Then I would ask every member to write it down to see if we do have any agreement. Once completed, I would ask every member to read what they wrote. Finally, I would ask “Is there agreement? Yes or no?” and “What could we do even better?”.


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    Amornrat Pratoomma


    Action Learning may be one of the most process-oriented learning tools I have ever experienced. However, I also learn that we are human and we have feeling. As a coach, I would ask everyone how they feel before we go on with the session. This will give them an opportunity to reflect and also for me to validate what really is going on instead of using my assumption.


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    Catherine Sandler


    I would find a good moment as soon afterwards as possible to intervene and say that I observed that there might be different climate needs within the group (possibly adding as we have just had a window opened and a window closed) and ask what impact that might be having on our work? Assuming the group engages with this question and the members involved share their feelings about their discomfort (too hot/cold/draughty), I would ask the group how they would like to address this issue.


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    Tran Le Quynh Nga


    I will apply the SID formula by firstly asking: “I have seen that some of our team members have to leave the seats to deal with the windows, do you have the same notice with me?” then asking: “What will these affect to the focus of the team?” and finally ask: “What should we do now?”


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    Borin Buoy


    As an action learning coach, I would intervene by asking the following questions:
    – Team, what is happening to the team right now? (Allow team members share what they observed. Assuming that some team members raised about members walked out of the session).
    – What will happen to the team if some members are out of the session? (Allow team members to share the impact).
    – What can we do to prevent this from happening again? (Allow team members to decide).


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    Marsel Gareev


    I would ask: “how would the team address different needs of the team members in a way that is most beneficial for the team?”


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    Ye Zhou


    I will ask two group members, ‘You two go to open window and close window at each side, what needs do you have? ‘, ‘what does it impact all members?’.
    I will ask other members, ‘do you have same requirement? what is the idea of team?’


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    Savin Oeun


    Being as a coach, I would intervene by asking the question that “what is happening now, how will this affect to the team, then what should we decide to do better?”


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    Risky Harisa Haslan


    I would intervene by asking “What is happening now?” if they noticed what happened, I would then ask “How did the situation affect the team?”, followed by “What would the team like to do about the situation?”. If the team did not notice what happened, I would rephrase my question to “How is the participation level?” then I’d follow up with the affect on the team and what they would like to do about it.


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    Brittany Hartman


    As a coach, I would make sure that everyone on the team is comfortable. I would say I have observed the window is being opened and one closed… was everyone brought into consensus on this action? we need to make sure that everyone is comfortable and before we take action on something that affects us all, is everyone in agreement with this window being opened and this one being shut? I would make sure that everyone on the team has a say in what is happening in the area, around them.


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    Doreen Wei


    I would ask the team, “I’ve observed one person closing a window and the other person opening a window. Did anyone else notice that?” “What do you think is a good condition for windows?” “What else do you think needs to be considered?”
    If no one mentioned making decisions, I would ask the team, “What’s the impact on the team when an individual makes a choice that impacts the team without checking with the rest of the team?” “What should we do before making decisions that impact the team?”


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