Scenario: Deep Learning

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: When checking in with the team they have a particularly deep learning around something they identified. You still have one more thing on your list of potential learnings.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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Comments (7)

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    Kevin Fan


    I would interrupt with the following question, “I noticed that we are in a deep learning now, yet, there is still one more thing for our potential learning, how would team like to decide to go?”


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    Melisah Feeney


    In would build on the learning and pose the question:
    – Does the insight gained from that learning shed light on any other areas that could be improved in the future?


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    Lai Yin Yong


    As a AL Coach, I would encourage the team to continue the current learning if they find it very benefiting by further asking doble and triple loop on it if time permitted. The main objective as coach is to bring learnings , while findling next intervention to provide another learning.


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    Ronaldo Paulo Villamarzo


    Stumbling upon a deep learning opportunity sounds like hitting pay dirt to me. During the latter part of the session where the team members are sharing what they learned, I will invite them to say more about it. How does this impact the problem that was unearthed? How will they bring this back to their lives, their teams, and the larger organization? As soon as I get the sense that they have fully benefitted from this learning opportunity, and if the time permits, I will then segue to the other learning opportunity on my list. I wouldn’t cut them short just to tick off everything on my list. For all I know, this learning might have been the most beneficial for them.


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    Antonio Nadres


    My intervention would be: a. “Team, in one word, how are you feeling about this learning?” b. “What is the impact of this feeling/learning to you and your work?” c. “How do you relate this realisation to (potential learning on list)?”


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    Hanh Nguyen


    I will ask the team if they can see one potential learning left. This action is to raise their awareness. If the team can recognize, i will let them continue. If they can’t, i will share my observation and keep on facilitating on the potential learning.


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    Guan Heng Tan


    If the team is in the midst of a deep learning, that’s an excellent situation to be in. It says plenty about the team, the maturity and capacity of the members in that team. Don’t break that momentum trying to interject with what could possibly your own agenda. If what you have to say is also an important learning, it doesn’t beat the learning these participants arrived at on their own. Celebrate that and remember to acknowledge and validate the team at the end of the session. I will and can always find time to offer up my learning to the team. If at the end of the session and we have run out of time, I can ask if the team is willing to stay for another 5 minutes for me to offer up the learning. Whatever the team decides.


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