Scenario: Deeply moved
Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk
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Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk
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Magdalena Kosiorowska
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I would observe for a while and if nothing changed, I would find space to intervene and ask: At one point X and Y were exchanging questions and answers with each other…. What did it do for you? How did it affect the group?
Joanna Sosnowska
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If it were to go on for a while, I would ask the group, “How do they think, feel – if everyone is actively involved in the work of the group?” If the group had perceived on its own that one person became withdrawn (If the group would not notice anything, I would point out my own observations and ask if they agreed with me), and then I would ask this person, “What would you need to get back into being active again – question and answer sessions?” and the I would ask question to the group “What do you think, what could you do?”
Linh Nguyen Thi Dieu
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I will consider how member A will affect the team if he only remains as a listener. If the situation has an impact on the team’s effectiveness, I will ask the team: “During the past few minutes, how do the team feel about team members’ opportunity to ask and share?”
1. If the team realizes A has not had the opportunity to ask and share, I will agree with the team’s opinion and ask A:
– So A, what prevented you from questioning and responding the team during the past few minutes?
– What will you do to interact more with the team in the upcoming minutes?
Based on A’s share, I will ask the team: What will the team do to continue to work effectively together in the upcoming minutes?
2. If the team doesn’t realize A has not had the opportunity to ask and share. I will say: “I have observed that in the past few minutes, A has not had the opportunity to ask and share.”
– In your opinion, how will this affect the team?
– What will happen if A continues like this?
– In your opinion, in the upcoming minutes, what will the team do to continue to work effectively together?
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I would ask the team how are we doing as a team to see if anyone points out A is not participating in the discussion? Otherwise I would point out the situation and ask the team what is the impact if we are missing some voices in the conversation and how would they like to get A to participate?