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Ignore the basics at your peril! My purpose in writing this paper is to share with coaches the absolutely critical first steps that must be followed in establishing a successful coaching business. Not addressing these essential basics practically guarantees failure, as many potentially great coaches have unfortunately experienced. Read More
As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: A member stands during a session continuing to stay engaged with the problem solving.
As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: The session has been going for a long stretch and participants start stepping out to use the bathroom.
As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: The team in a single problem action learning set asks questions to the sponsor (the boss). In addition to answering the question, the sponsor talks about the context, history, options, ideas for solutions, etc., etc. As coach, you’ve asked the boss – “what question are you answering?” The boss indignantly says that one. You ask what was it? He says – “I don’t know.” This happens with each question regardless of whether it is closed or open. The team members are uncomfortably aware of this high power distance (respect for authority) and say it’s ok.

I would ask the problem presenter if they agree that what the team is saying is actually the problem. I would then ask that the group focus during the next segment on asking questions related to that problem. I would give them a decent amount of time so that they don’t rush, and by asking questions I think they will uncover underlying issues.

Time for an intervention! If the team is going around in circles, the questions they have been asking aren’t getting answered to anyone’s satisfaction. I would ask the team what they think they are doing well and what needs improvement, and I would myself answer the latter (after they have had a chance) by saying I think they are asking the same questions over and over. I would note these questions and ask the group why they think no one has been able to answer these completely as yet, prompting them to think about these questions from a new perspective. Then I would ask them to see if they have agreement on the problem, and we would move on to the next segment.

This poses an interesting problem. This shows me that the group’s suggested actions were not clear enough, and the group needs to come back together again to further refine and clarify the actions. I would call a quick session for the group to do this — maybe 45 minutes. We would start with the actions that we finished the last session with, and show that the new problem is that the problem presenter does not feel they can take these actions on their own. This would hopefully lead to teamwork and delegation, or it would lead to a simplification of the actions.

One of the keys to Action Learning is the diversity of thought that the group brings to problem-solving. If one person does not want to participate, I would first try to talk to this person individually and find out why, and see if, as a coach, I can find a way to help this person see the value in their participation. If this does not work, I would look at the size of my group — if the group is big enough to move ahead without this person, I would do so, and ask this person to stay and observe so that they might better understand Action Learning and hopefully participate in a different session. If we do not have enough people to go ahead, I would have to cancel and find another willing participant.

This shows me the group is working really well together. I would let them work for a few minutes longer, and then intervene, asking them what they think the group is doing well and what the group can work on. This would allow them to focus on their building questions, followed by a clear look at what everyone thinks the problem is. Hopefully the build of questions is getting everyone on the same page about the problem and this intervention will help them see that.

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: The participants have asked some very powerful questions and are clearly building on each others questions.
As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: A participant is convinced of the true nature of the problem and repeats the same questions over and over in an effort to persuade the others, even after others have made it clear that they do not believe that is the real problem is. They believe that what this particular participant is advocating is just another symptom.

Ground Rule #1

If there’s anything a WIAL Action Learning coach remembers from their certification program, it is the power of WIAL’s Ground Rule #1: Statements can only be made in response to questions (and anyone can ask a question to anyone else). This ground rule is what makes WIAL Action Learning so powerful, and so different from other forms of Action Learning. A coach starts each session with a reminder of both ground rules, to ensure the team members are aligned with the rules necessary for a successful Action Learning session. And then, off we go !

Who has the next question ?

For sure the session starts off with a few questions (and sometimes a bit of hesitation) followed by some answers. All is good: Ground Rule #1 in full swing! Yet very often, and very quickly, questions tend to get longer. Some questions are preceded by an “introduction” or explanation about the question that is about to follow. “John, it seems that there is a bit of something going on and also maybe something else, so my question is, how do you feel about this ?” Or a question is followed by some sort of elaboration, as if the question needs to be put in perspective, clarified or expanded upon. When “because” slips into a question, the person asking is in fact about to answer their own question. “So Susan, how do you feel about this situation, because it seems from what you said earlier that something but maybe it could also be that there is something else ?”. At some point, I used to intervene about “long questions”. “Team, are we asking more short questions or more long questions ? What is the impact if we ask this or that kind of question …?”. It took me a while to realize that there are no long questions.

There are no long questions

There is no such thing as a long question. When a question gets long, it stops being a question. It may start off with a question word, but then the question gets killed off in a series of twists and turns and additions and explanations. By the time the long-winded so-called question comes to an end, the team member to whom it is addressed will likely ask “Euh … what was the question again ?”. Unfortunately, many coaches – I have been guilty, but getting better – are way too flexible with Ground Rule #1. The ground rule states that statements can only be made in response to questions. It does not state that one can elaborate, add, explain, clarify, expand without end, as long as there is a question somewhere in there, either at the start or at the end of the rambling. Quite often the coach will be listening closely and as long as a question word (who, what, how …) is uttered, will consider that there was a question there. There are many advantages of asking questions in Action Learning. One of the main reasons we ask questions is to develop genuine curiosity: putting oneself in others’ shoes, and exploring their problem and its context without judgment. Questions that are followed by long elaborations, explanations and clarifications are not genuine or curious questions. Same for questions that come at the end of a long- winded description. They may grammatically start off or get wrapped up as a question, but they are not questions in the spirit of WIAL Action Learning, and a WIAL coach should not allow them.

Intervene (aka interrupt)!

As a coach, you know after 15 seconds if someone is asking a question or not. Yes, you read that well: 15 seconds. In spoken language, 15 seconds corresponds to around 30 words. Try and ask a genuine question that is 30 words long: you will not succeed. There is no such thing as a long question. If you count the questions in Choon Seng Ng’s “What’s Your Question” book and add them to the number of questions in “Power Questions” by Andrew Sobel and Jerold Panas, you come to a total of 967 questions. I could not find any question amongst the 967 that has more than 20 words. As a coach, if a “question” goes on beyond 15 seconds or 30 words, you can be pretty certain that Ground Rule #1 is being broken. So intervene ! Yes, after 15 seconds … A coach should not be aggressive, but at the same time, why wait for the so-called “question” to end (after 30 ? 45 ? 60 seconds or more … ?) if you know after 15 seconds that Ground Rule #1 is being broken. If you do not intervene, the team members get into the habit of explaining, talking, clarifying or elaborating with a question somewhere thrown in at the end. They think they are asking questions. So after 15 seconds, and with the “question” still going on, I lean in, smile and ask “And so your question is … ?”. Sometimes I get a reaction like “Yes, but I am explaining why I am asking my question !” to which I answer – with a smile – “That’s OK, just ask your question !”. After a few times, team members learn (!) and see the power of asking real, curious questions, without explanations before or after. And then we can have a real Action Learning session !

Honor Ground Rule #1

Ground Rule #1 is what makes WIAL Action Learning powerful. As a coach, we need to ensure that the ground rule is really followed, not just “mechanically” or grammatically, but also in the spirit of asking curious questions. Interrupt so-called long questions after 15 seconds: the team will gain tremendously from it ! Peter Cauwelier, MALC / June 2022