Scenario: All together
Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk
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Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk
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Anna Kozoń
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It is challenging situation in my opinion. As a facilitator Action Learning Coach moderates the discussion but here the coach in directly invited to share his own thoughts. I would answer: “Please let me know why my thoughts are important to you at this moment.” I would be curious to learn what is behind this question.
Anna Kozoń
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If the person who initially asked the question specifically requested everyone to answer it, I would comment: “You were all asked to answer the question and instead you return the question back. If you could, please comment this.”
Gary Liew
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I would respond in the following way:
1)I would acknowledge the participant who asked the question and thank them for their contribution.
2) I would encourage the rest of the group to share their thoughts and ideas on the question at hand.
3)I would facilitate the discussion to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas.
4)I would ensure that the group stays focused on the problem at hand and that the discussion does not veer off topic.
5)I would facilitate a reflection process to help the group explore the underlying reasons for the participant’s question and the subsequent request for their thoughts.
6)I would encourage the original questioner to share their thoughts on the answers provided by the group, while reminding the group that all ideas and solutions are valuable and should be considered.
Nazeli Kirakosyan
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In AL anyone can ask any question to anyone. There are so many ways to engage the person who asked the question to answer to the same question. Especially in this case, when everyone provided an answer, the participation of that person can be specifically important contributing to the content that is being generated through the answers. It should also be noted that one can always answer “I don’t know, I have no idea…”.
Lim Patrick
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One of the impacts of AL coaching is the “open inquiry” from the Rule – “Statements only in response to questions; anyone can ask anyone questions.”
As long as the individual has given his statement to the original question, and not asking the “what are your thoughts” question as his statement, this follow-up question could be an intention to “complete the circle” gathering of perspectives. However, I will remind the team not to stack questions and ask the individual for his statement to the original question posed, before proceeding with his new question.
This is also a good learning moment for team members to familiarise themselves with the WIAL’s key ground rules of engagement. Might take a while for some members who are new to AL conversations to get used to, as some fields of communication do teach us to answer a question with a question to deflect our uncertainties.
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As a coach, I would explain that in AL, everyone can asked anyone in a team. When someone asking a question to everyone and he/she need also has been asked to give opinion, it is not wrong. I can do intervention to reflect the team about what they have learn from asking and answering the question and is there any impact to the tam by doing so.
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I would do nothing, just leaving the space for team members to share their thoughts freely. But I would pay attention to whether other people listen actively and understand the person’s ideas. If necessary, I would make relevant intervention.
Artur Kuligowski
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One question can generate many answers. In AL, anyone can ask anyone a question at any time.
Khanh Duy Nguyen
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As an action learning coach, I use the SID intervention model in this scenario. I approach and ask: “I’d like to understand better why you participate in answering other people’s questions. What prompts you to do so?” (Situation). Then, I continue with a question for the group: “Do you perceive any impact of answering other people’s questions on the participation and contributions of other members within the team?” (Impact). After receiving responses, I ask a question like this: “Do you intend to be more proactive in listening and waiting for others to answer questions before you join in?” (Do). Then, I step back and allow the group to continue with the answer “yes” from the members. These questions help participants recognize the impact of their behavior and explore ways to improve interaction and effectiveness within the group.
Shiran Lin
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As a coach I guess it might be due to the fact that this participant did not understand action learning, so it is important to re-articulate the purpose of action learning again, firstly, to help the PP to solve the problem, and secondly, for all of us to develop leadership in the process; secondly, we can also ask the following questions to all of the members regarding this phenomenon, I observed that a partner had just asked everyone the question of how this kind of behavior would impact on the process of action learning, and what adjustments do we need to make, so that the team members can suggest specific strategies for improvement.
Khanh Duy Nguyen
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As an Action Learning coach, if the team continues to operate effectively and all aspects remain on track, I would refrain from intervening and allow the group to proceed with their work uninterrupted.
An Nguyễn
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– Hello X, what do you want to clarify in the last question?
Linda Robles
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Everyone on this team can ask any question to each other. I would encourage them to continue asking questions, they may want another view or see where the person was going with the question that was asked. The more information the better the clarification and understanding.
Nelson Bolonhini Junior
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I would intervene prasing the person for including the other. Action Learning is a team endeavour. Everyone should share the floor equally and have a chance to express their thoughts if the question is open to all members of the group.