Scenario: Electronics

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: The team decides it ‘s okay to use their electronics during a session

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Jeremy Gwee


    By electronics, I assume that it refers to mobile phones and PCs. It is not for the team to decide on this. Action learning is about working as a team to solve a problem within a designated time. As such, every team member must focus on the questions asked. The team must demonstrate that this would not distract them from the process and be effective. No one is allowed to drive and text. So likewise no one can guarantee they would not be distracted. If the team insists that it is because of work, then I would tell them that I would postpone the situation until there is a time when such electronics are not required.


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    Yulia Saksen


    I will post a question asking what might happen to the class if the team decides it‘s okay to use their electronics during a session. And whenever possible, I will double-loop it by asking what makes them think so. And of course end it with how should we do from there on.


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    Monika Wawoczny


    As an AL Coach, I assume that the group sets its own rules (except for 2 basic ones). If they give themselves permission to use electronics during the session … it’s ok for me. If (at some point) I see that it is disturbing the group at work – I could carry out information and say something like: “Let’s stop for a moment. I see / hear that …. How are you currently working? What can we do (as a group) differently? ” I would let the group decide for itself.

    Regards Monika


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    Beata Pluta


    I accept because it is the team that sets all the rules except the two main principles of Action Learning. If during the session I notice that answering the phone interrupts work, I will ask during the intervention how they feel with this rule and whether they want to make any change to the rules, if they find that using the phones during the session does not bother them, I will leave it.


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    Carmem Rocha


    What does the group waive in this process of learning by action when deciding to use electronics during the session? What does the group gain by making that decision?


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    Jouw Wijnsma


    There are only two ground rules, the rest is up for the group to decide. Because they know best what works for them. Considering that I would therefore not intervene.


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    Alessandra Denis


    In this case, I would ask a question that would make the group reflect on the impacts: What could be the impact on the group if we all remain fully engaged in honoring this rule of turning off the electronics?


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    Jiajing LE


    I accept the team’s decision and trust the team to make the right decision.If someone is using an electronic device during a discussion,I would ask everyone: I noticed that *** was using electronic devices during the discussion. Did anyone notice? How do you feel now? How does this affect the focus of the discussion? What can be done to reduce these effects? To inspire the team to realize the impact of this rule on the team’s work. It is up to the team to decide whether to modify this rule or make other rules to limit it to ensure that the team works effectively.


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    Joop van Nierop


    My opinion as a coach about the use of devices during an Action Learning meeting is very clear. You can’t properly participate in a group process and ask specific questions while looking at a device for information or a message. This is also my experience with students in higher professional education. It’s the same as driving at 75 miles per hour on a busy highway while looking at your smartphone at the same time. I think concentration within a team is a precondition for focusing on an urgent and complex problem.

    But then my task is also to convince the team of what I think is necessary to bring out the power of the Action Learning method. That is why I ask the group who is distracted by social media on the smartphone while driving in heavy traffic. If the majority of the responses are negative, I ask the group which they choose in this case. Do you want to focus on their device during the session or opt for maximum focus to help the Problem Presenter solve an urgent and complex problem? If the team agrees with my vision, I will ask PP to start.

    If the team still wants to use devices during the session, this time I agree with starting our session. Afterwards I will search for scientific articles about multitasking and its influence on focus and concentration for a final point of view.


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    Hanh Nguyen


    I will ask the team the solution if the electrics disturbs efficiency of team work and get their consensus on solution. After that, during the session, if i see it happens, i will intervene and ask them if they agree to apply the solution.


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    Delong Chai


    Intervene: Team, what is the impact of turning on our electronics during our learining? What is the best time to turn on our electronics?


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    bihong xie


    When I first saw this rule, I wouldn’t interfere. If, in a follow-up discussion, I see that an electronic device is distracting or interrupting a conversation, I step in and say, “I’ve seen a steady stream of people going out and missing something, so I’d like to ask how you feel about this rule?” Let the team learn to manage the discussion.


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    Carla Cardoso


    If the group starting using a lot their electronics during a session, I would intervene by saying: How we are in the 1 to 10 about regarding group concentration.

    Anoter possibite is “ I observed that we are use a lot electronics, what is the impact of this in the group”. After group’s answer I would ask also “How the group wants to deal with it.”


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    Katia Gaspar


    First of all I understand the group create the rules, but if I notice the use of eletronic is impacting the rhythm of the group and the learning, i will ask: What are you noticing about the use the eletronic at the rhythm and learnig of the group?


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    yiming zhou


    Scenario: Electronics

    As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: The team decides it ‘s okay to use their electronics during a session
    Stay out of it for now and keep watching.
    Not intervene if subsequent observation of the use of electronic devices has no effect on this action learning.
    If the follow-up observation that the use of electronic devices has an impact on action learning, I would ask the team, “How does the use of electronic devices during action learning affect us?” “What does the team think about this impact?” “What’s the next step? “


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    Li-Chieh Lin


    I will ask“How is the quality of our meeting discussions?” “What is the impact of using electronic products in meetings on our action learning meetings?” and “How can the quality or efficiency of meetings be better improved?”. Or “What is the impact of using electronic products in meetings on our action learning meetings?”


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    David Rude


    The use of technology in an action learning session (or any meeting, for that matter) can be distracting if its use is unclear. When the team is considering the appropriateness of using technologies, I as the coach would ask, “What technologies would be useful to our time together? Under what circumstances? When might technologies detract from our time together? What group norms should we establish along these lines, so there is clarity?”


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    Grace Wong


    I will not intervene when the team sees this rule at the beginning. If I see some members are distracted by electronic devices or interfere with the conversation in following discussion, I’ll intervene and say: “I saw that some of you went out to answer the phone and missed some content, I want to know how do you feel about this rule?” to make the team learn to manage the discussion.


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    yanjun Wang


    When I first saw this rule, I will not intervene. If I see that electronics are distracting some members or interfering with the conversation, in subsequent sessions, I will intervene and say, “I’ve seen that some peoples missed valuable information while they walked out to have a call, and I wanted to ask what do you think about this rule of the session.” Let the team learn to manage seminars.


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    Minying Qiu


    I will confirm with the group to see whether all the members agree to do so. If yes, I will let them do what they have decided. But when I notice the negative influence caused by use of electronics, I will intervene by asking, “Have you noticed that some of us used their cellphones/laptops when the group discussion was moving on just now?” “Do you think what impact it would bring to our discussion?” “For a better output of the discussion, what could we do?”
    By the end of reflection session, I will utilize this scenario again to provoke more thinking, “Is there any learning from this scenario? What are them?”


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