Scenario: Expert

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: As the problem progresses you realize you have a poignant piece of information that could be tremendously useful to the team, as the problem they are discussing is in your field of expertise.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Jingjing He


    Even though my expertise could potentially benefit the team , as an action learning coach my role is help the team to develop their learning capacity other than sharing information. i will stick to my role without intervening the discussion.

    I may share my information to the team after the session upon their consent.


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      Amar PATEL


      Concur with Jingjing He in that the role of the Action Learning Coach (as clarified at the start of a session) is to not be directly involved in solving the problem and instead focus on improving the performance of the team by asking questions and managing time so that individual, team and organisation wide actions and reflections/learning can be accomplished.


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    Libby Hampson


    Within this particular scenario, I am the action learning coach and my role is to help the process and the questions/discussion of the group members. Any intervention in terms of introducing ‘information’ to the group myself would totally change the dynamics of the group and discussion and in my opinion would not be the place/time in which to volunteer anything in this manner. The process is important and there is nothing to say that the group won’t arrive at a similar revealing on their own. The journey they take, their learning and their ownership is just as important – it may be they arrive at / discover other insights and opportunities, but it is their problem, their discussion, their agreement – my role is as an action learning coach, not a ‘subject expert’.


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    Thanh Nguyen Thi Hai


    Following to the fundamental principle of Action learning that the ALC only asks
    – To demonstrate the belief in the questions.
    – To show the power of questions.
    – To optimize reflection and learning.
    – To empower participants.
    – To avoid biasing on team members.
    So I will not interfere or share information with the members.
    I trust my team members to find a solution to their problem


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    Nguyễn Thanh Triều


    As a learning coach even as the matter progressed, I realized that I had some insight that could be extremely helpful to the team, as the issue they were discussing was in my area of expertise. I also decided not to interfere by giving advice, my subjective opinion. Because I am fully aware that I am in the role of a coach, trusting the team can help PP find the best and most suitable solution for themselves.


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    Benny Tse


    As an action learning coach, remains neutral, avoid from giving any comments to the team is a fundamental. Trust process & trust the team will be my approach. Handling my own thoughts not to share my expertise will be a big challenge but finally will be benefit to the team is my belief.


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    Kongkiat Phanawadee


    As an Action Learning coach, I would stay on my role to support the team on learning, not to solve the problem. I wouldn’t interrupt the team to share any information during the Action Learning session.


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    Aya Svensson


    As an action learning coach, my role is to optimize the group’s learning and not to get involved in the solution. By doing so, it retains the coach’s power of credibility and neutrality. If the coach acts as an “expert” on the issue, it could also influence the group’s perception/decisions and actions because of the coach’s authority to intervene.


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    Maria Carolina Sanaiote


    Regardless of my expertise on the problem discussed I would be stick to my role as an action learning coach which is to guarantee the group learnings as much as to take care of the process. My interventions would be taken only to help the team getting the best learnings from their own involvement during the session.


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    Sueli Balthazar


    As an Action Learning Coach, my role is to assist the team in the search for answers. It’s making the team look for ways to develop strategies that awaken new and important discoveries for the problem, developing leadership skills. I will intervene when there is a learning opportunity and will not be directly involved in problem solving. The team will look for the solution.


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    Nguyen Son


    No intervention is needed as the role of AL coach is to help facilitating the discussion so that team cam come up with good ideas. My expertise, if needed, can be shared to the team outside the session, when my role has changed


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    Marcella Lucas


    As an Action Learning Coach, it is not my place to provide my input or expertise. It is my role, to follow the process, and to guide the group with a focus on Learning with Action and Action with Learning. In following the process, the group itself will evolve its questions and discussion as it sees fit and appropriate. In fact, in following the process, the group itself may come to that poignant piece of information itself, or you may find that that information was not as poignant as you believed it to be. If I had interjected with the info, it would have completed changed the dynamic and set a very different tone for the session.


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