Scenario: One on One(2024)
Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk
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Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk
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An Nguyễn
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Hello team, I have observed that in the last 5 minutes, only 1 member is asking questions, what is happening with the rest of the members?
What is the impact of only one member asking questions on the team?
What can we do to improve?
Djoke de Schiffart
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Ik zou naar voren schuiven (inschuiven) en dan de volgende interventie toepassen a.d.h.v. SID: (S)Het valt me de laatste 5 minuten op dat er maar 1 teamlid vragen aan het stellen is. (I)Welke gevolgen zou dit kunnen hebben wanneer dit zo door gaat? (D)Wat kunnen jullie als team doen om dit te veranderen wanneer jullie dat zouden willen?
An Nguyễn
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Hello team, I observed that in the last 3 questions, only one team member asked questions, all the questions were for PP, what happened?
How does this impact the team?
How can we make it better?
Ivy Sun
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I would ask, “I noticed that only one member kept asking the PP questions. I would like to check with the rest of you, are you OK? Is there any difficulty or obstacle for you to participate the session more deeply?”
“What would be the influence on our session if we only have one member asking questions, and only asking the PP?”
“What are we going to do in the rest of the session?”
Ratchanee Teerawanitsan
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I would ask the team with “S.I.D intervention Model”. Such as “S: Team! How is the team working now?”. Then “I: What will happen to the team if we continue to let this situation happen?” and “D: How do we do better?”
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I would apply the SID:
– Team, I observed that for the past few minutes, only one team member has been asking the questions.
– What is the impact of this in our session if this continues?
– What can we do to improve?
– What is the decision of the team?
Then ask for who has the next question.
Eric Cruz
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I would intervene and start by saying “I have noticed that only one person was able to ask questions. Are we observing the same thing?” I would follow this up by asking, “What do you think is the impact of this?” Then I will end the intervention by asking, “What is the decision of the team?”
Saskia van den Berg-Tromp
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Here it does also depend a little on when and where this is happening, but I would intervene with a question: “How are we doing on using the knowledge of the group?” or “I have observed that the last X questions all came from a single person, what is the effect of this?”. I would want to make sure that a number of people respond to the question, and make sure this is a safe space to learn, it should not blaming the person asking the question, it is the team dynamics that need to be addressed.
Jan-Joost Oostenbrink
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As coach I would consider & apply one of the below interventions (depending on time / suitability)
1) If it’s time for the first group intervention “Dear team – we have been working now for X minutes, let’s take a moment to see how you feel we are doing as a group so far (score) and then ask ‘What are we doing well?”, “What could we do even better?” -> this to see if they identify & address the situation themselves
2) Ask a triggering question: “dear team, we have been asking questions for x minutes now & let me ask a relfective question “how do you think we are leveraging / tapping into the knowledge of the group
State my observation: “I’ve noticed that most questions are directed to the problem presenter, what is the impact of this?
Chaiwat Prapainainar
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In this scenario, as a coach, I will observe how long this has been going on. If it has been going on for a while, I will intervene in the following ways:
1. I will address the team by saying, “Hello, team; I have observed that the communication in the team at the moment is one-on-one. How many members are currently participating in asking questions and providing answers?”
2. “What positive impact to the team can there be if all the team members engage in the team communication?”
3. “How does the team envision improving collaboration for the remaining session?”
Shikha Dalal-Angeline
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I agree with several of the responses previously posted around the impact of having only one person ask all the questions. I would also consider building on responses to those questions by asking other members of the group what they are missing, lacking or need to contribute to effectiveness of the session. Some suggested questions:
“Other members of the group that have been mostly silent — what do you need to participate more actively in this action learning session?” This would allow other group members to state any concerns, address needs, establish group norms/commitments. It also creates more psychological safety amongst group members — perhaps some could be feeling like they are just getting to learn the process by observing others, for example.
Shikha Dalal-Angeline
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I agree with several of the responses previously posted around the impact of having only one person ask all the questions. I would also consider building on responses to those questions by asking other members of the group what they are missing, lacking or need to contribute to effectiveness of the session. Some suggested questions:
“Other members of the group that have been mostly silent — what do you need to participate more actively in this action learning session?” This would allow other group members to state any concerns, address needs, establish group norms/commitments. It also creates more psychological safety amongst group members — perhaps some could be feeling like they are just getting to learn the process by observing others, for example.
Kamila Glogowska
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I would apply an intervention, which would sound like:
1. “for a few minutes only X has been asking the presenter questions alone. What is the reason that no one else is joining in with the questions?”
2. “only X has been asking the presenter questions alone for a few minutes. One of the main rules of AL is that anyone can ask anyone a question. Who among you would like to take the floor now?”
3. “Team, I observed that for the past few minutes, only one team member has been asking the questions.
– What impact can this have on our session if this does not change?
– What can we do to improve the quality of our session?
– What decision do we make?
Who has the next question?”