Scenario: Power of the Pen(2024)
Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk
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Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk
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Joanna Grabowska
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W sytuacji, gdy ktoś zaczyna zapisywać ważne notatki na tablicy, filtrując je bez konsultacji z resztą zespołu, jako trenerka uczenia się przez działanie postąpiłabym następująco:
Zapytałabym: “Czy możemy na chwilę zatrzymać się i sprawdzić, co jest dla nas wszystkich
ważne?” “Jak możemy upewnić się, że wszystkie istotne informacje są uwzględnione?”
Przypomniałabym zespołowi o znaczeniu współpracy: “Jak możemy wspólnie zdecydować, co zapisać na tablicy?”
Zachęciłabym grupę do refleksji nad ich sposobem pracy:
“Jak możemy poprawić nasz sposób zbierania i zapisywania informacji, aby był bardziej wspólny?”
Beata Pluta
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Interwencja. Nazywam to co widzę. „ zauważyłam że zapisujesz na tablicy niektóre informacje, bez sprawdzenia z resztą zespołu które informacje powinny się znaleźć na tablicy. Jak sądzicie czy coś ważnego nam nie umknęło? Kto decyduje o tym, co jest ważne? Co jeszcze wiemy a nie zostało ujęte na tablicy?” Może to spowodować, że inni członkowie zweryfikują zapisy na tablicy i dodadzą informacje których brakowało. Może to również sprowokować dyskusję o tym co jest ważne a co nie i to może pomóc spojrzeć szerzej. Może to również pomóc prezenterowi uświadomić sobie co tak naprawdę jest dla niego w tej sytuacji ważne.
Linda Robles
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I would ask the person, “How do you think we are exploring the problem from all angles?” and “How are we collaborating with our team to be more efficient with the information we are gathering?” I would then ask the team their thoughts and let them decide on how collecting and filtering the information will be done.
Yuki Liu
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Firstly, I’d ask the team whether all the viewpoints have been summarized and whether it’s the best and most efficient way for everybody to express their thoughts. If someone raises concerns, I’d let the team discuss whether it helps to use flit chart and give their proposals.
Nelson Bolonhini Junior
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I would thank the person for the iniative and ask him/her to ponder over the following questions: “how is action learning made powerful by teamwork?” I would then invite the person to think: “What would be the benefits of registering everyone’s thoughts?”
Yuki Liu
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I would start by thanking the person for taking the initiative to capture the important notes. Then I would ask the rest of the team if they agree with the notes that have been captured. If there are differences of opinion, I might ask questions such as “How’s your feeling if your viewpoints were not captured” or “What would be the impact if some perspectives were not captured” and “How can we collaborate better?”
Morgan Lucci
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This could be an opportunity to establish a norm. For example, “I’ve observed some details missing in the whiteboard notes. Did anyone else notice that? What’s the impact of that on the team? What should our norm be for notetaking?
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I would use: what, so what, what now, i.e. I see that you write down and filter by yourself, in my opinion it would be good if everyone had an influence on it, because we won’t be sure that it is important for the team and not an individual, what do you think about that?/ how would you like to determine it?
Anna Wójcik
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I would use: what, so what, what now, i.e. I see that you write down and filter by yourself, in my opinion it would be good if everyone had an influence on it, because we won’t be sure that it is important for the team and not an individual, what do you think about that?/ how would you like to determine it?
Jerry Wang
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To help the group reflect on their use of the whiteboard, I would ask:
● What are you noticing about the notes on the whiteboard?
● What is the impact of how the notes are being written up?
● How would you like to proceed?
By prompting these reflections, the group can assess the effectiveness of their notetaking and make necessary adjustments.
Amy Wolfgang
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As an action learning coach, I would intervene with a question: Team, please review the notes on the whiteboard. Give me a thumbs up if you think all of your information has been captured and a thumbs down if you think some information is missing.
If everyone gives a thumbs up, I would follow-up with a question: How do we want to ensure the scribe continues to capture all the information?
If there are any thumbs down, I would ask: what is important to capturing all information discussed on the whiteboard? Then I would follow-up with the question: How do we want to handle capturing information on the whiteboard going forward?
Finally, I would plan to intervene 5 minutes later to re-ask the thumbs up/thumbs down question on the accuracy of the captured information.