Scenario: Tick tock

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: The team is running out of time and does not have clear next steps.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Phạm Thanh Tùng


    As a coach, I would intervene: “hello Team, how is our team working?”
    “Hello PP, during the last session, what did the Team help you with?
    “So what do you expect the Team to help you with the rest of the time?”
    “Hello Team, I remind Team, we have X minutes left in this session”


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    Andrea See


    Assuming this is an SPAL, I would intervene by addressing the team, “With X minutes left in this session, what action steps do you plan to take as a team after this session?”


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    Jennie Verano


    I would intervene and say:
    -“Hi Team, we want to end today’s session with clear action steps to help bring you closer to solving PP’s problem statement. With X minutes left, what are your agreed action steps, and by when?”


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    Marina Nizar


    I would intervene by reminding everyone of the remaining time left for the session. And then I would ask the PP if he/she has managed to conceptualise some actions steps from the process so far. If not, how would he/she like the team to help her or to do things differently to help her in the remaining time.


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    Austin DENG


    I would say, “Now we are running out of time. But it seems we still don’t have the clear follow-up steps. What should we do now?”


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    Giuseppe Casella


    I would make the team aware of the time left, asking if there is the possibility to either extend the session or to organise a follow up session, asking at the same time how best we can use the time left in this session, asking what the team consider to be the best next steps in that current situation.


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    Khanh Duy Nguyen


    As an action learning coach, I approach and ask, “Where are we now in the problem-solving process? What steps have we completed, and what steps do we need to continue?” After the group responded, I continued with the question: “Can we focus on specific goals to make progress in the remaining time?”. After the team answered yes, next, I asked: “Is there a way to optimize the remaining time and ensure efficient progress?” Then I stepped back and let the team figure out a solution to the situation. By allowing the team to find their own solutions, I encourage the exchange of ideas and increase interaction within the group.


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    Binh Thanh Ta


    I would intervene by reminding the team that they are running out of time. Then I would make a question to the team: How would you do to reach the agreement? What should you do for better utilization of the short time left? After the comment, I ask what actions you should take as a team to complete this step? Then after all member get the consensus, I would step out.


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    Zhang xinlei


    I would say, “Hi, guys. Now we have ** minutes left for this session. And I notice that we still don’t have any clear next steps. What would you do in the following ** minutes so that the PP would benefit from it as much as possible?”


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    Huong Nguyễn Thi Mai


    As a coach I will intervene by reminding the team of time left “Hello team, we are running out of time. As I mentioned in the beginning of this session, we need to be clear about what next steps are. What should we do to get there? After they respond, I will ask how can we work as a team to have agreement? When the team give their ideas, I will ask Who will have next question? and step out.


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    Nga Khuat


    As a coach, I will take invention as below:
    Hello Team,
    According to my record, the time of the action learning session has exceeded xxx minutes, how does this affect to team?
    case 1: that’s no impact to this section.
    case 2: that’s impact to this section.
    – What should we do to improve this situation?
    – Hi PP, what do you expect team to support in the rest time?


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    Janine Clarke


    I would intervene to remind the group of the time that was allotted for this session, and the time remaining. I would then say something like “The goal of this action learning set/this session was to refine the problem statement and identify action steps that you see as valuable. Given that we have xxx minutes remaining, how do you want to focus your time? This would effectively give the responsibility and the decision making up to the group. This might prompt them to consider if they could strive to identify action steps in the remaining time, or if they did not feel there was time, they would likely discuss what they wanted to do about this. Normally there is a fixed end time, and one thing I have learned in the past year is to keep to the script, and that the structure I provide by calling attention to the time is critical to the group’s momentum and their transparency with each other on where they are at/how they are doing in their mission. It is valuable for them to own the process.


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    Elizabeth Webb


    As an Action Learning Coach, I would intervene to let them know how many minutes are left in the session, followed up with the question: “What would be the most efficient use of our time?” Rather than interjecting that they do not have clear next steps, my hope is that they come to that conclusion and better next steps through reminding them of the time and opening the floor for how best to take control over it.


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    Janice Kelemete


    We have XX minutes left in our session today. As I mentioned at the beginning of the sessions it may require further sessions to be scheduled so as to be able to develop an implementable solution/s.
    You have all been asking great questions and clarifying statements and it has become clear from your discussions that further information may be needed for the team to progress towards building a solution.
    How would the team like to proceed?
    Please take a moment to reflect on this session and then I will ask the group to share the actions that you will take between now and the next scheduled session


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