Scenario: Unavailable Member

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: Just prior to the beginning of the meeting, the group is informed that a member has been asked by her boss to handle an emergency, and will not be able to join the group for the first 2 hours of the session.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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Comments (22)

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    Aik Gerrese


    As an ALC, I would first evaluate the impact of this person on the group process myself, in order to be prepared for all possible scenario’s following. After most scenarios are clear, I would then consult the group and have them come with a decision themselves. If for some reason the group needs help deciding, I would suggest several options.
    Beside the group process, I would also confront the person and his/her boss with the impact to make sure that the process is taken seriously.


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    Anna Rutkowska


    2 godziny sesji, to praktycznie jedno spotkanie. Tu ważny byłby aspekt na ile kluczowa jest obecność tego członka w pracy grupowej, czy jest on prezenterem problemu, czy bierze udział w pracy grupy od jakiegoś czasu, czy jest to początek procesu pracy grupowej itp. I w zależności od tych czynników podjęłabym różne kroki. Zapytałabym tę osobę, czy istniej inne możliwe rozwiązania tego problemu przez inną osobę. Jeśli byłby prezenterem problemu, to zapytałabym grupę, kto inny chciałby nim być. Jeśli nie byłby prezenterem a uczestnikiem, to przede wszystkim zapytałabym grupę, jak to wpłynie na ich pracę i jak widzą kontynuowanie tego procesu. Być może byłoby tak, że w tej jednej sesji nie wziąłby udziału, ale wziąłby już udział w kolejnym spotkaniu.


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    As an Action Learning Coach, I will ask the team:
    “Hello Team, what is the impact of missing one member at the session?”
    “B, as you committed to join the team, what will you do now to keep your commitment?
    “Team, what can we do now to avoid similar situations in the future?”


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      Amar PATEL


      As the Action Learning Coach, i will ask …..
      What impact will the team members temporary absence have?
      How can we overcome this?
      How can we bring the team member up to speed when they join the session?


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    Erin Rahman


    I would ask questions before beginning “What is the impact on our team if of not all team members are at this session? How does this impact our ability to proceed? How should we handle the missing team member today? What is the impact of proceeding? What is the impact of not proceeding? How should we proceed?”


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    Maria Fachado


    I will inform the group and ask them – What is the impact of this person missing the first 2 hours of the session? and How they would like to proceed? If the groups wants to go ahead with the session, I will ask who will take the action to bring this person up to speed when joining the session.


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    Thanh Nguyen Thi Hai


    As an Action Learning Coach, I will ask the team:
    1. Hello team, today our team have one member not be able to join the group for the first 2 hours of the session. does our team know this information? => Yes
    2. How will this affect our team’s performance?
    3 What will our team decide to do to address this influence?
    4 What will our team do next


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    Do Nguyen Ngoc Thu


    Hello Team,
    I noted that 01 member was going out for an emergency case. Has anyone seen it?
    “How do our team decide in this situation?”
    “How this decision impacts to our team?”
    “Have our team agree on this decision?” Yes/No? If “Yes”, they can go ahead. If the answer is “No”, “how our team work in next 03 minutes to have the agreement?”


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    Ken Mikkelsen


    Firstly, I will inform the group about the situation.

    Then I would ask what impact her absence will have on the group’s work. From there I’d move on to asking the team members how they can overcome this? Finally, I would ask how the group intend to brief her and bring her into the process once she arrives.


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    Kiều Anh Đặng Thi


    As an Action Learning Coach , I ‘ll ask my team :
    1. Hi Team , What is the impact of this person missing the first 2 hours of the session?
    2.How would the team like to proceed?
    3.How can we overcome this?
    4.What will our team do the next ?


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    Benny Tse


    I will inform the team this situation & ask them :
    “How would the team like to proceed with this situation?”
    “What is the impact of this person missing the first 2 hours of the session?”
    “What will the team approach if similar situations happens in the future?”


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    Kongkiat Phanawadee


    As an Action Learning coach, I would let the team to make decision upon this situation. I would ask the following questions.
    – One of our team members could not join our session in the first 2 hours, what would be the impact of this situation ?
    – How would Team decide to proceed ?
    – If Team decided to continue, I would ask “What should we do when that member return to the session after 2 hours ?


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    Lapton Kwok


    As an Action Learning Coach, I’ll address the issue to the team.

    – I observed a member cannot join this session for first 2 hours.
    – What’s the impact to the team dynamics?
    – How could we do well in this session?”


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    Aya Svensson


    As an action learning coach, I would raise the situation to the group, and have the group decide how use their session most effectively despite the absence.
    – “One of our team members was called for an urgent meeting and cannot join the first two hours of the session. What do you think is the impact?”
    – “How would you like to proceed?”
    – “What should the team do once the member returns?”
    – “If this situation arises in the future, how should we respond?”


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    Benny Tse


    I will inform the team this situation & ask them :
    “What is the impact on the team with this situation?”
    “How would the team like to proceed with this situation?”
    “What should the team do when this member returns?”
    “What will the team approach if similar situations happens in the future?”


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    Phattraphorn Chunhakamolruck


    I would asking the consensus from the team to come with a decision themselves.
    “How do our team decide in this situation?”
    “How this decision impacts to our team?”
    “How would the team like to proceed with this situation?”
    “What should the team do when this member returns?”
    “What will the team approach if similar situations happens in the future?”


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    Arkom Sakamatapan


    As Action learning coach: At the begining of the session, The questions that I used during the interventions will be
    • I have been informed from one of our team member that he/she got the emergency that make he/she will not be able to attend the session today.
    • What is the impact if we can work with all team member?
    • What is team’s decision for the session today?


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    Phattraphorn Chunhakamolruck


    As coach; I will inform and asking the consensus from the team as below;
    S: “I have been informed from one of team members that she have an emergency and will not be able to join the first 2 hours of the session”
    I: “What is the impact to our team if we proceed without one of our team member?”
    D: “How would the team like to proceed with this situation?”


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    Phattraphorn Chunhakamolruck


    As coach; I will inform and asking the consensus from the team as below;
    “I have been informed from one of team members that she have an emergency and will not be able to join the first 2 hours of the session”
    “What is the impact to our team if we proceed without one of our team member?”
    “How would the team like to proceed with this situation?”


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    Somsith Meesangnil


    If I was informed that one member would not be able to attend the meeting prior to the session, I would intervene, “Team, did you notice that one member is missing out?” or “Team. One member informed the other that he/she couldn’t attend this meeting due to urgent work. (S) “Team, what happens to our session if one team member is missing?” or “Team, how will it affect the performance of the team?” (I) “What are we going to do? (D).


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    Nhan Nguyen


    First, I need to review whether the number of members in the session is enough to perform an Action Learning session, including 1 problem presenter, and at least 2 team members (Scope: MPAL)

    Scenario 1: The absence of 1 member (Called member A) but the total number of members still ensures 4 people, including 1 Problem presenter and 3 Members, I will ask the team:
    – Hello team, I have just been informed that member A will not be able to join our session, what should our team do?
    – If members decide to continue the session without member A. I will start the session according to the process.

    Scenario 2: The absence of 1 member but the total number of members is only 3 members, including 1 Problem Presenter and 2 members. I’ll keep the team informed.
    – Hello team, according to the standards of Action Learning we need 1 working team of 4 to 8 people to ensure learning during the session. Currently, our team only has 3 members, if we continue to do sessions, there will be no opportunity to learn and solve problems from a team perspective.
    – Our team needs to plan to do the session at a different time.


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    Saroj Pungthai


    “Team, some of your team members couldn’t join the first 2 sessions what do you think?” “How missing team members can affect?” “Team, what is your solution to this?”


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