Scenario: Passing Notes

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation: Someone walks in the room where the team is working and passes a note to one of the participants.  

Tags: Action Leaning, Action Learning, Action Learning Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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Comments (14)

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    Ewa Obałka


    I would react with an intervention stating what I noticed and asking if someone else noticed it too. If yes, I would ask how in impacts the group and if we there is a need of setting any rules regulating this issue.


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    Jeff Feldman


    I would pause a beat and see how the recipient of the note responds. If they tuck it away and stay engaged, I would likely let it go. If they allow it to cause them a distraction or disengagement from the process . . . or if I sense that it created a lingering distraction for the group as a whole . . . then I would bring it up at the next check-in point as an observation and ask the group for thoughts and input on the need to create some guidelines around allowing our process to be disrupted in this way.


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    Michal Weyna


    My reaction would depend on the immediate impact. I would intervene only if the recipient seems distracted afterwards and/or if the group’s discussion seems affected by this interruption. I would ask if anyone else noticed how that interaction affected the team/member and if they’d like to agree on how to handle it in the future.
    Otherwise I would not intervene.


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    I would bring it to the attention of the team so they consciously decide the team norm instead of just letting it happen.

    i would say –
    I’ve observed someone just receiving s note. What’s the impact of interruptions on problem solving? What should our team norm in terms of interruptions be?

    Happy Coaching


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    unri Babb


    Given my experience with Action Learning, I think this is something the coach should address promptly. Once someone enters the Action Learning Group’s space, there will be an impact on each group member. The coach could ask, as many have suggested above, “I have notices that a note was passed to one of our team members, what is the impact of this on our group?” “What would the group like to do if something similar should arise in the future?”


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    Stephanie Brown


    I would describe to the group what had taken place and ask the group how the event impacts the team. I would ask the team what norm they’d like to put into place should the behavior occur again.


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    Yoge Rajendra


    Team, what just happened?
    I noticed an interruption.
    How will this impact the session?


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    I would observe the nonverbal responses of the team members to see if it created a distraction. If not, I would ignore it. If team members look distracted, I would ask the team if they need to address routine interruptions during live group discussion.


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    Cheuk Yan Edna Choi


    I would intervene and say “I noticed that someone has just passed a note to one of our members. What do you think?”, followed by “what would be the impact on our session?” and “how would we like to proceed?” If members agreed quickly on how to handle future interruptions, I would let the group move on. If members had mixed feedback, i.e. some did not care, some were concerned, I would further ask “what would be our considerations?” If someone suggested a “rule”, and members were not actively “agreeing” with the rule, I would ask “what do the team think?”


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    Japheth Lim


    I would make a note of it if it’s the first time and the person who receives the note does not get distracted in the session. I would intervene if i notice that another note is passed to the person. I would ask, “team, what just happened? how will this impact the session?


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    jefferson Cua


    I would go into an intervention and ask the one who received the note if there is an urgent matter the person needs to attend to and if the person says yes, I would ask how the team would want to proceed.


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    bo xie


    I would describe to the group what had taken place and I would ask the team “How will this impact the session? and what can we do better?” and then I would guide the group standardize group rules .


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    Wytze Tesselaar


    First I would tell the person who enters that we are in a meeting and he/she interrupts in a disturbing way. I would pause the session and ask the person who received the note if there is a problem that should be solved right away or she/he can continue with the session. Depanding the answer the person leaves or stays. Next I would ask the group if we can carry on and ask the team if somebody has anything to say about this distraction from the proces. Last I would ask the group to repeat the last question.


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    Hans Gelten


    I would intervene here and asked the participant who received the note whether the note is relevant to the problem of session. If not, I would ask kindly to put the note away for after the session. If relevant, I would ask the team how they would like to be informed


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