Scenario: Self Conversation (2024)

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: A team member asks a powerful open question of all the team members. Before giving anyone a chance to answer they say – “Because I think …..” filling in their own response to the question.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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Comments (9)

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    Sean Quevedo


    I would politely intervene and ask the team member that asked the question to pause and let everyone else reflect and answer the question prior to the original team member adding their thoughts. I would explain that getting everyone’s perspectives could allow the team to build on the original question and possibly achieve a breakthrough moment for the problem presenter.


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    Steve Abasta


    As an Action Learning Coach, I would intervene to improve the performance of the group. An important aspect of asking good or great questions is that they are clear and concise. The risk of offering their thoughts to their own question undermines the value of diverse perspectives. I would ask the group how they felt about the brevity of the questions being asked so far, so they can adjust their questioning appropriately.


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    Nelson Bolonhini Junior


    I understood this scenario not as an interruption but as a guide to the use of language. One of the most powerful insights my Action Learning coach led me to consisted in the use of concrete language, avoiding vague terms and adopting an assertive frame in my responses. As an Action Learning coach, I would praise on the use of concise, clear answers.


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    Morgan Lucci


    This could be an opportunity to intervene with a question. For example, “Did you mean to ask for each group member to respond to ____.” If yes, you could follow-up with, “Should we give each team member the opportunity to answer first?” If no, you could ask, “How can you rephrase your question?”


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    Janice Kelemete


    I would intervene and say thanks so much for that awesome open question, let’s throw it over to the group to hear what their thoughts are.


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    Jo Allard


    I would intervene, I would acknowledge that I just heard a really powerful question and then I would ask the team member to repeat the question (and only the question) so that the other team members can answer. At the next intervention I would remind the team of the ground rule of action learning prior to asking them what are we doing well? What can we do even better? etc.


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    Yun Teng


    As a coach, I would intervene and ask politely “I found you ask a powerful open question to all the team members. Would you like to wait for a second and learn other’s thoughts?” Invite the person to reply. After he/she allowed, then invite the rest members to share their ideas.


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    mariet Tonen


    As ALC I would say: I saw you asking a powerful open question to te group. What do you think of the idea to ask valuable insights from your colleagues?


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    Eric Cruz


    I would intervene by asking “I just heard a question asked. Did you mean for each member of the group to answer your question?” If the answer is yes, proceed by asking “what value will there be in giving the others a chance to answer your question first?” if the answer is no, “how would you phrase the question and who do you address it to?”


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