Scenario: Process Question

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation:

Several team members are sitting with their arms folded across their chest.

Tags: Action Leaning, Action Learning Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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Comments (8)

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    Delia Peixoto


    If the ground rules is being followed and the process is running i would probably would keep running it. But, I could also make the intervention: “I’ve observed that X team members are sitting with their arms folded across their chest. Did anyone else also observed? what is the impact of this at this group? How the group would like to manage this?


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    Velma Morton


    As the Action Learning Coach, I would state my observation and use that opportunity to intervene and ask the group “ Has anyone else observed this?” What impact does this have on the group and the learning process? I will also remind the group why they are in this action learning session and that their teammate is counting on them to help solve an urgent problem.


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    Ana Paula Alfredo


    I would intervene, saying: I´ve observed that several team members are sitting with their arms folded across their chest. Has someone also observed it? How this behavior impact the way the group is working?


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    Yixuan Liu


    As an anction learning coach, I would tell the team members waht I observed and ask the them if they observed this. After that I would let them summarize the influence of the behavior and ask them what should be done.


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    Calixto Salud Jr


    During the intervention, I will mention that there are “x” number of people in the team who are sitting with their arms folded across their chest. Afterwards I will ask the following;
    1) What is the impact to the team performance on this observation?
    2) What then needs to be changed or enhanced in order to increase team performance?

    Towards the end of the session, I will likewise ask what the impact will be on their own organization if such a behavior was exhibited during meetings or business sessions?


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    Marcel Geraeds


    As a coach I would check if all Action Learning ground rules are being followed and if their is no obstruction for the team to ask questions.
    If the quality of questions remains superficial and their seems to be no motivation, than I would intervene and ask the team the questions:
    How are we doing as a team? What do you think about the quality of questions on a scale from 1-10?
    If the arms remain crossed afterwards I would make a short intervention in which I would tell my observation of the arms and ask how this effects the group to go deeper into the problem.


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    Christine Fischer


    As the action learning coach, I would intervene by stating my observation and questioning the group what they have observed and how this behavior impacts them. I would also ask the group to describe the energy in the room and how the group could improve working together.


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    Yixuan Liu


    As an action learning coach, I would ask my team members, “I wonder if everyone has noticed this phenomenon that several team members are sitting with their arms folded across their chest.
    What impact do you think this behavior will have on the resolution of our final problem? What should we do next to better accomplish our task today? ”


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