Scenario: Door

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: At the start of the session a participant gets up and closes a door.

Tags: Action Leaning, Action Learning Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Pei Zheng


    The participant‘s behavior neither violate the rules, nor affect the process of the meeting. But as a coach, there may be some factors behind his behavior, such as the field environment or the sense of security. I will pay attention to him/her in the upcoming meeting.


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    Roberta Gamboa


    I noticed that someone closed the door. Has anyone else noticed? What is the impact when decisions are made without consulting the group. How will we ensure the consensus of this group for all decisions?


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    Cherry Ge


    Due to the start of the session, so I wouldn’t do any intervention. But I would pay attention to the team especially the member who close the door. Maybe there would be some learning moments during the meeting.


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    Ng Sin Ain


    This is at the start of the session, I do not see the need for any intervention. Firstly, I would observe how do the team members responding to the action? Keeping this action at the back of my mind, and proceed with the session as normal.


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    Hu Jie


    Observe the impact of the closing action, if it is positive , don’t interfere with it; and if it is negative, correct it


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    Savin Oeun


    I will ask the team that where should our session run better?


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    Katherine Steele


    One team members decision to shut the door, or a window, takes away from the collaborative and consensus building nature of the AL environment. Stating that you noticed that someone has shut the door and then asking what is the impact of that on the group is important? Someone might have been cold and wanted the air from outside to come in, or vice versa, but assumptions aren’t consensus. Asking the team how they want to handle situations like this and move towards consensus in the future is important. For example, they might come to a point where they just request that the question is posed to the team? Would the team mind if I shut the door?


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    May Ling Siow


    I will ask the team ” Team, what just happened?” leading them into learning the consequence of disruption/interruption of the process flow.


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    jacinta Bailey-Sobers


    As the action learning coach I will ask the question has anyone observed that a participant moved away from the group? Did this impact the group in any way and if so how? I will then invite the team to determine the rules to be followed as they engage in the session.


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    Mario Paiva


    I noticed that one of the participants closed the door without consulting the others. How does the rest of the group feel about this? What is the impact of not consulting with colleagues?


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    Monika Wawoczny


    I’m wondering why the door was open? I imagine that for the AL process as a coach I should provide safety enviroment conditions (confidentiality). In this case – If I saw that closing the door could affected on how the group works, I might intervene but in this particular case (I don’t know the deeper context), based on provided description – I wouldn’t do anything.


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    nadia estirini


    since this happening when the session just started, as long as the member do not noticed and destructed, I will not interfence and continue the session


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    Benjamin Solomon


    I would wait for the participant to come back to the group and make the following observation, “I have noticed that someone momentarily left the group to go and close the door.” After, I would ask, “What’s the impact on the group when a member of the team makes a decision such as this without first consulting the group?”


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    govind singhal


    As a Coach, I will pause and ask the team if they are comfortable with the door closed. In case teams’ decision is otherwise or there is lack of consensus, I will request one of the team members to open up the door


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    Zhang Meng


    The coach should judge whether to intervene based on the specific situation and the impact on action learning. Observe the impact of the door-closing and if there is no impact or positive effect, no intervention should be made. If there is a negative impact or interference with the process moving forward, an intervention is needed. Coach can ask members:“What just happened?What are the impacts? Do we need to adjust or what do we think needs to be done?”


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    Liliia Bilous


    As a coach I will observe the groups reaction for a couple of seconds. If no visible signs that somebody is not comfortable with the closed door, I will not pay participants attention to that issue. In case if there is somebody in the group who reacted actively on the action of one of the participants showing some inconvenience, as a coach I will address some questions to the team such as “If everybody is comfortable with closed door? Should we agree on leaving the door opened or closed? Do we need to agree on some Ground rules for our meeting?”. As that situation happened at the beginning of the session it would be relevant momentum for the group to agree on Ground rules for the meeting.


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    Nelson Bolonhini Junior


    As an Action Learning coach, I would interpret the action on the positive side. Perhaps it is noisy outside the room. Maybe the person wanted to ensure privacy. I would thank the person but raise a question to the group: how do individual decisions may hamper the group’s development in the future and how we should proceed as a team to discuss relevant decisions.


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