Scenario: Coach questioned

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: Some of the group members direct questions to you since they were aware you had knowledge of the situation; despite you repeatedly stating your role as coach.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Anna Kozoń


    I would look at this situation , as a potential learning, for myself, but also for the group. I would say: ” I notice that questions are directed to me despite I repeatedly state my role here as a coach, share your perspective on this situation? I would like to understand it better.”


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    Kwan Leong Lee


    In the first instance as an Action Learning Coach, I will redirect the question to the rest to answer.

    If this were to persist, I would ask, “What do you think is my role as an Action Learning Coach?”. I am hopeful that they can remember what my role is as per the introduction I gave before the session starts. If not, I will remind them of my role.


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    yosaporn punjamawat


    – I would intervene Team
    -Who is the question aimed at?
    – I will remind the team of the rules and roles of the AL coach
    – What if the team asked a question to the coach?
    – How will teamwork to be If ask questions to Coach like this?
    – How will the team decide if asked to come to the coach again?


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    Cris Lorenzana


    As an Action Learning Coach, I reflected on this situation for a long time, putting myself in their situation. The 1st Ground Rule states, “anyone can ask a question of anyone at anytime.” From the participants’ perspective, ‘anyone’ COULD include me as the AL Coach; this, given their awareness of my role: that I as the learning Coach has the authority to intervene when there is a learning opportunity.

    On the first instance, I would approach the situation saying, “Thank you for the question, X. But before I share my thoughts, is there anyone here who would like to give an answer?” I would call on those who would like to share and then I would briefly proceed with my knowledge and experience. After which, I ask, “Now who has the next question?”

    The next time I am asked again, I will already use this as a learning opportunity: “Team, I noticed that the question was directed to me again. What would be the impact of questions being directed to me in your collective effort to help the Problem Presenter? I will acknowledge all answers, then ask, how do you want to proceed?” Trusting in the team’s wisdom, I am quite certain that they would proceed and not direct questions to me anymore.


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    Natalia Gennero


    I would tell him/her “I really appreciate your interest in my opinion. My knowledge about the situation doesn´t change mi role as coach. Given the AL rules, I invite you to make the same question to the rest of the group”.


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    Aline Costa Romão


    I would look at this situation as a potential learning curve for the group. I would ask the group, “I realize that the questions are directed at me, even though I repeatedly assert my role here as a coach. Is getting involved in the answers an alternative so that this group can explore more solutions to the problem?
    He would listen to the group and ask “does everyone agree?”. If the group still wants my opinion, I would give it, because it was the group’s decision and they are exploring more than one tool to solve the problem.


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    I would express my gratitude to the team for the trust and then apologize that I cannot provide any information related to the content when I am playing the role as an AL coach whose responsibility is only to facilitate the learning and development of the team through their own awareness and reflection. But if it is necessary, I am pleased to share my knowledge and information in other scenario.


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    Phuong Le Thi Thu


    I will express my sincerity by saying: “Thanks for trusting me. Please remember that my role today is action learning coach so you can redirect the question to the team. I believe they have their own knowledge to answers your question. Can anyone give the answer?


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    Panchali Kiratiruchirawong


    I would ask, “What if the question is asked directly to the coach? How will teamwork be affected if questions are directed to the coach? How will the team decide if they should approach the coach again?”
    After that, I will remind the team about the rules and roles of the Action learning coach. Finally, I will ask the team, “Who needs to ask the next question?”


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    Surawut Dudsdeemaytha


    In this scenario, I would handle the situation by calmly but firmly telling them that I am not their consultant that come to tell them what to do. But my role as Action Learning Coach is to facilitate the session, guide the process, and encourage collaborative problem-solving for them. I am not come to providing answers or solutions, but to help them find the root cause of the problem they are facing through the Action Learning process.
    I will tell them again about the ground rules, then I will ask “Who has the next question?


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    Jette van der Hoeven


    I would say that my learning point is to stay away from the content. And that my role consists of seeing learning opportunities. His learning opportunity is to ask the question to the team itself.

    And then I would invite him to ask the same question to the group itself.


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