Scenario: Changing Roles

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: You have changed roles from participant to coach. One of the team members asks you a problem related question.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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Comments (22)

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    Chhayrotana Prak


    I would have attention to all the team member an asking simple question to reminding them about the 2 ground rules of Action Learning.


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    Maja Klonowska


    I would kindly remind that person that I’m no longer a participant. As a coach I don’t take part in solving the problem.


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    Meire Beraldo


    Deixaria claro que não faz parte do meu papel entrar no conteúdo do problema e remeteria a pergunta de volta para o grupo.


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    Krist Kroopasa


    I’m coach today, my role is required to focus on managing the process and helps team to achieve the team’s action and learning.


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    Meire Beraldo


    I would make it clear that it is not part of my role to get into the content of the problem and refer the question back to the group.


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    Ngoc Nguyen Thi Kim


    I will remind the group the two basic rules of the action learning coach. Today, I am a coach, I cannot answer the question. Then, I will ask the group can someone help her/him with this question?


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    Toan Than


    I will remind that I am in the role as a coach today and don’t step in the content of problem and refer the question back to the team. My question will be “Anyone in team would like to answer this question?”


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    Liane Lanzoni


    I would ask the following question to the group: “Can somebody remind us the second ground rule of Action Learning that states the role of the coach?”


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    Linh Truong


    I will politely remind that person and the team that now I am taking the role of an action learning coach and am not getting involved in the content of the problem. Then I would ask her/him “Who else would you like to redirect this question to?” If he/she does not answer after 10 seconds then I will ask the rest of the team members “Who would like to help answer this question?”


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    Hien Quach


    I would simply remind team that today I am acting as an action learning coach and my role is to help the whole team work smoothly and effectively in order to create both action for PP and learning for whole team. Then I would pass the question to whole team to see if who want to help to answer this question?


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    Chui Shan So


    I will remind the team of the two ground rules and six components. Today I am acting as the action learning coach and cannot answer the questions related to the problem. I will ask the team “What are the options in this case?”
    And, at the end of the session (Conclusion Part), I may recall this saturation and ask:
    What is the importance of keeping everyone roles in Action Learning?”


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    Suzan Koike


    I would recall the ground rule by asking the group, “Who could help by remembering the second ground rule?”
    After the group’s response, I would ask the person who asked the question if they would like to direct it to another member of the group.


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    M. van Bers


    As an Action Learning coach, I would remind the group that we all have our own role. As a coach, I can only intervene if there is a learning opportunity. I would ask to focus on each other in the conversation and sit with my chair a bit out of the circle. With an intervention I slide the chair into the circle.


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    In this situation, I will remind the participant and team of my new role as an Action Learning Coach, who will not be involved in the content of the discussion. Then I will ask some questions such as “B, who then you suppose to answer this question now?” or “Hello Team, who can answer this question for B?”


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    Thanh Nguyen Thi Hai


    In this situation I will remind the members that the two fundamental rules in action learning as well as the role of My new Coach. Therefore, I will not answer the member’s question, but will ask the whole team the question “Hello team, who can answer this question for B?


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    Trịnh Hằng


    I will politely remind that person and the team that i am a action learning coach, today i will help team work together smoothly and effectively with two ground rules and six component.
    After that I will ask the PP.
    Which member would you like to ask this question to?
    Member can choise some one or all team or
    I can ask the team, which member has the answer to this question?
    Who has the next question?


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    Minying Qiu


    I will check with the member that whether he or she want me to provide some suggestions related to the problem discussed. If that’s what he or she need, I will make a joke by saying (with the condition that we know each other well), “You have no idea that I have changed my face”. Then I will further explain the main tasks of an AL coach, i.e., finding the learning opportunities and making prompt intervention to promote the learning instead of providing content-related suggestions. If the coach covers the content as the role of a participant, actually it will negatively influence the problem-solving process. Furthermore, it will also distract the coach’s attention from capturing learning opportunities during the course. A weak or vanish coach will also have negative impact on the whole group.
    Besides, I also can say, “Based on the 1st ground rule, I choose not to answer the question. I hope all of you can understand my role as an AL coach at this moment. Now, any of you want to answer the question or ask a new question, just go ahead.”


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    Jing Bao


    I would first confirm whether they expect me to provide some suggestions related to the topic. If the answer is yes, I would explain the necessity of my role as a coach at this moment, i.e., as the team usually focuses on content discussions, my primary responsibility is to identify learning opportunities and intervene in the process to help them get the learning when appropriate. At the same time, I would ask if it would be possible for me to provide my perspectives about the issue after the action learning session and thank them for their recognition and invitation. Once a consensus is reached, I would let team to continue their discussion.


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    Thắng Nguyễn Minh


    In this situation, I will politely clarify my role as coach.
    “I will help the group within
    1. Set tone
    2. Indentify learning
    3. Manage time
    4. Ensure reflection
    5. Improve team performance
    6. Develop compancies
    I will stay neutral and not get involved in the problem. But I trust the team to work effectively on this.”
    When the group understands, I will invite the group to continue


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    Thắng Nguyễn Minh


    In this situation, I will politely clarify my role as coach.
    “I will help the group within
    1. Set tone
    2. Indentify learning
    3. Manage time
    4. Ensure reflection
    5. Improve team performance
    6. Develop competencies
    I will stay neutral and not get involved in the problem. But I trust the team to work effectively on this.”
    When the group understands, I will invite the group to continue


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    Minh Khuong


    In this situation, as a coach, I will politely remind team that my role is to remain neutral, refrain from advocacy of solution, and will relies on team members to create and/or apply problem-solving method.


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    Jan Bennik


    In this case I would remind the team of the role of the coach and ask who in the team can help to answer the question.


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