Scenario: Clowning Around

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: The group looses concentration and focus on the problem they are suppose to be working on …. They are primarily focused on clowning with each other!

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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Comments (15)

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    Melissa Davis


    As a coach, I would encourage the group to set norms before we start the session, including:
    -Cell phone use
    -Respect to others

    If I observe behavior that may be disturbing to others, questions I would ask include:
    -What is the group observing?
    -How are we working together as a group?
    -What are you noticing about the contribution of our members?

    I will then bring it back to the group and ask what they would like to do.


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    Kemal Kaan Saner


    I try to ask some clarifying questions to remind the team members of their goal, objectives and challenges in the action-learning process. I also give the floor to the presenter to re-explain the essence of the problem from his or her perspective again to help team keep themselves on the right track. Another option is to ask the problem presenter to make his or her definition and write it down on the board to keep team members focused.


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    Janice Chan


    I would intervene and ask the team what is happening here? Does the team has an agreement on the problem presented? Do we need more time to ask more questions to the problem presenter?
    This would bring the focus back to the problem for the team to proceed


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    Tran Thuy


    I will pause the coaching session and ask all the members: “Hello team, according to you, how is our team doing? if it is rated from 1 to 10. With 1: meaning the team is doing the worst. 10: meaning the team is working most effective” Then let each member rate and score.
    After that, I will ask: “How can the team work better and help PP find a solution to his problem?”. Asking the question like that will help the group focus on the problem the group is discussing


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    Pieke Houben


    I would intervene and ask everyone to rate from 0-10 how we are working together as a group and how our questions are helping to solve the problem.
    Then I’d ask what the group thinks is needed to improve our efforts as a team to improve focus and quality of questions.


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    Marietta Dembek


    I would ask a question to set norms: “I see that you are asking less and less questions about the problem. Do you see it that way too? if there was an afterthought, I’d ask: “what stage of the process are we at? Who has the next question?” If the group continued to joke, I’d ask: “I feel like we’re not moving forward, and I wonder if we have the energy to continue the session?” If the group answered no, I would end the session and ask for feedback on Action Learning. “I felt a lack of interest on your part, I would like to know what you think about this form of action? It is important to me because every suggestion develops me and Action Learning.


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    Yui Lee


    I would first bring awareness to the situation by asking “team what is happening right now?”

    I would then follow up with “What is the impact to the solution if we continue this way?”

    Depending on the severity of distraction I might explore this further by asking:
    “what is causing this situation?”
    “how can we improve?”
    “How can we prevent this from happening”
    “what should we do if it does?”
    “How do you want to keep the team accountable?”
    “how would you like me to keep you accountable?”
    “We only have x amount of time left, how would you like to make the best use of this time?”


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    An Nguyễn


    – Hello team, I noticed that the group mainly focuses on making fun of each other, what’s going on?
    – What will happen to the group if we continue?
    – How can we prevent this from happening again?


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    Aleksandra Serafin


    In this situation I would make an intervention and ask those questions:
    – Hey team! I feel that we are not focusing on the problem but on different actions. Do you notice that too?
    – How does this situation influence our problem solving?
    – What will happen to our problem solving if we continue to act/ work in this way?
    – What can we do to make our work more efficient/ to focus on the topic?


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    Tomasz Tawkin


    I would intervene and bring awareness to the situation by saying
    – I’ve noticed a shift in our focus and would like to take a moment to reflect on how we are progressing with our problem-solving process.
    – On a scale of 1 to 10, how effectively do you think we are addressing the problem right now?
    – Can someone remind us of the main objective of today’s session?
    – How do our current actions and discussions contribute to solving our problem?
    – What adjustments can we make in our approach to be more focused and productive?
    – How can we apply the principles of action learning more effectively in this situation?


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    Savin Oeun


    I will ask team “hi team, where are we now in term of working as team” what would be more effective to move the next level of problem solving together?


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    Jerrel Denijn


    I would ask the group about the progress in problem identification. Because it seems like they are ready to identify it.


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    Dr Debra Clary


    I’d ask:
    How do we think we’re doing as a team? if it is rated from 1 to 5. With one meaning the team is doing the worst. Five meaning the team is working most effective.
    Then let each member rate and score.
    Then I’d ask: “How can the team work better and help PP find a solution to his problem?”


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    Charlotte Lofton


    I would ask how is the current discussion is or isn’t addressing the issue identified? And dependent upon their feedback ask a follow up as to what can be done to ensure we are remaining focused on the identified problem.


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    Lihan Wang


    If this phenomenon happens occasionally and does not affect the team’s problem-solving process, I will not intervene.
    If I find this phenomenon has affected the process, or the atmosphere of the entire team has been affected. I will intervene and say” I have noticed the group have lost concentration, so what happened? And what impact do you think it has had on the process of solving problem? And how do we move forward better?”


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