Scenario: Enough is enough

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: A member of the team bangs their hands on the table and stands angrily.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    This Action Learning Coach (ALC ) would allow the said team member (TM) to vent out . When the TM has calmed down, he/she will invited by the ALC to sit down and rejoin the team session if and only if he/ she is ready and the team is willing to continue. Now, this ALC will then proceed to ask, ” Team , you and I just witnessed a team member display an outburst of emotion. How did the behaviour affect you as a member of the team? How did it impact the group process ? After sorting out the variety or commonality of thoughts and feelings, this ALC proceeds to ask the group what actions need to be done to move forward?” After consensus has been reached, ALC asks the group where the group was before the incident. Who has the next question?


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    Arturo Rocha


    As the Action Learning Coach I will allow the team member to vent then once they have calmed down I will give them the opportunity to rejoin the session if they are ready and if the team allows it as well. I will then use the incident as a learning opportunity by asking what can we learn about emotions and how they may impact team dynamics? After allowing each team member to answer including the member who had the emotional outburst I will then ask the team to move forward by asking who has the next question.


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    Lukasz Antas


    I would use the following intervention: “Let’s stop the work. I see strong emotions right now”. I would ask the participant who had an emotional outburst if he or she needed more time to calm down before rejoining the group. Then I would ask the team: “How has this situation affected you and the group process? I would also give the person with the emotional outburst an opportunity to speak. I would then ask “What will the team do to continue working and to take into account the emotions of all members? After some solutions have been discussed, I would remind the team where they stopped and ask them to start again. I would also come back to the issue at the end of the meeting as a learning opportunity and leadership skill


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