Scenario: Finally(2024)
Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk
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Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk
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Katarzyna Toczek
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As the action learning coach, my role is to help the team have a productive dialogue and uncover the root causes, not to take sides.
Following my intuition that this could be an important plot in the team’s work, I think I would bring this situation to light, using a SID intervention, like this:
Asking the team: (S) How do we go about identifying the root of the problem?
After getting an answer, I would continue with the person that answered: (I) Why is it important that we accurately recognize the core of the problem?
After getting answers, I would shift again to the whole team with a question: (D) How do we take care of this in the team? And then follow the further work, depending on the answers.
Srisakul Thunwuthikul
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As an action learning coach, I think I will not judge or be bias about the questions. I will have the team learn from their own action and have their own concensus. However, I will intervene if I find that the real problem is not there and won’t be there soon. I will ask the team to reflect and guide them to think about what the PP can do and may ask them to analyze if the questions go toward growth mindset.
Shikha Dalal-Angeline
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As a coach, the idea is that you are aware of your bias in the situation – this can be particularly challenging if you are a coach working amongst team member colleagues, for example. I would respond to this situation by stating during the check-in: “What are we observing about what the core root issue is?” and “are we all in agreement / does anyone have an alternate viewpoint?” This would allow psychological safety for participants to speak up about their thoughts regarding the core problem.