Scenario: Group Question

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation: One of the participants asks a question of the entire team, after a single answer the team moves on to the next question.  

Tags: Action Leaning, Action Learning, Action Learning Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Denise Locke


    I would intervene here and ask the person who posed the question to the group if they felt their question had been answered sufficiently. If they felt that it hadn’t been I would then prompt them to re-ask the question to the team if they wanted some further responses. If they were happy with the single answer I would bring the team back to the person who had raised the last question.


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    Nancy Frazier


    As the Action Learning Coach, I would intervene and address them accordingly:
    “A team member posed a question to the group and only one member responded. What is the impact on the team when only one person answers a question? How can we insure all members of the group have had a chance to reply before moving forward?


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    Michal Weyna


    I would adress my intervention to the one who asked a group question: X, did you intend that question to be answered by entire group?


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    if it was the first time – I’d bring in to the teams attention as part of a standard intervention .
    After asking the 3 standard questions – (how are we doing as a team? what are we doing well?what can we do better?)
    i would say –
    I’ve observed when questions are asked of the group we move on after a single response. Did anyone else notice that? What’s the impact on our problem solving if we limit responses?How do we want to insure that everyone that wants to respond gets to?

    Later on if it happens I may simply ask the questioner – Did you want to hear responses from others?

    Happy Coaching


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    Yoge Rajendra


    Team, what’s the level pf participation so far?
    I noticed only 1 member responded.
    Will that impact the session?


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    I would reflect back the situation to the team: I just observed a question was asked of the entire group and only one person answered. How does this impact the team if we limit the responses of others by moving on?


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    Cheuk Yan Edna Choi


    I would intervene and ask the member if his/her question was answered. If the answer is “no”, I would ask the group “how would we like to handle this?” If the answer is “yes”, I would ask the group “what could we do even better in handling questions posed to the group?”


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    Japheth Lim


    If it’s the first time, I would intervene and ask the member who asked the question if that question is directed to the entire group and if the response is sufficient. If i notice the scenario happening more often, i’ll intervene as a learning opportunity by asking “Team, member x has asked a question to the entire group, and only one person answered. What’s the impact on the perspective the member is getting? “


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    Tan Sun


    As a coach , I would intervene and ask the person who ased the question: Hi Steven(the one who asked the question to the team), I observed that you asked a question to the team, by whom did you expact the question to be answered? .
    if he say the all the team, I will asked him next : how can we do better to let every member responce to a group question?

    actually, what I want to remaind him(them) is, if you want everyone to answer your question, when asking, you need organize your words to emphasize that you would like everyone to reply , like: would you guys reply me by one from James?


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      Lois Parkes


      As the action learning coach, I would intervene, and tell the group that I have observed that the questioner had asked the question of the entire group but only one response was received. I would then ask the questioner whether the single response provided an adequate response, or whether more responses from other group members was desirable.


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    Kanokwan Srisunthorn


    As coach, I will check in and intervene by asking the question to the questioner. In order to remind him, I will ask that ” What do you expect everyone to give you the answer?” This is good opportunity to provide chance to everyone, somebody may want to reply and express some idea but he/she will have no chance due to the moving to the next question after only one person’s expression.


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    bo xie


    As an Action Learning Coach, I would intervene in the situation and tell each member that I have observed that the questioner had asked the question of the entire group but only one response was received. “What’s the impact on the perspective the member is getting? and How can we insure all members of the group have had a chance to reply before moving forward?”


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    Sitthimet Solthong


    I would definitely intervene by asking those participant by such questions as. “Who else would you like to ask?” ” Would you still want to ask all the team members?” “Are you satisfied withe the answers or you want more answers?. May be I would also point or look at the next person to answer until everyone answers.


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    Manassawee Manavid


    I decide to lean forward and intervene that
    S: Team…I observed that some people did not answer this question yet? What do you think?
    I: What will be happened?
    D: What do team do?


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    Manassawee Manavid


    I decide to lean forward and intervene that
    S: Team…I observed that we are jumping to the next question before listen to the answer of this question from all team members?
    I: What will be happened if we do not listen to all answers?
    D: What do team do?


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    xu li


    I would ask the member of next problem to write it down, and ask the entire team whether they’d like to get the answer of other members, and then continue.


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    stephanie parry


    I would intervene to first ask the current questioner to hold their question and then point out that there is still a question on the table to the whole group and ask “who else would like to answer that question before we moving on to the next one?” . I would make sure that everyone who wants to has answered the question by asking “any one else want to answer that question?”


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    Sanne Schwarte


    I would intervene and tell the group that a question was asked to the whole team but that the whole team did not answer. I would ask the questioner if he / she thinks this is okay or if he / she would like the answers from the rest of the team.


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    Preeruetai Laopoonpat


    I will intervene:
    1. Team! One of team member asked the question and want the answer from everyone, right?
    2. How many people answer this question?
    3. Before moving on to the next question, what should we do at the moment?


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    Zhang Meng


    The coach should judge whether to intervene according to the specific situation and the impacton action learning. If the answer is sufficient for the questioner and no one wants to continue to answer the question, and the question is not very useful for the process advancement, the coach may not intervene. If the question is very in-depthand useful for the process advancement, and the team members do not realize it for awhile or other members’questions interrupt the question which is very important for the problem solving but has not been fully answered, the coach need to intervene. The coach can ask people the following questions:” What is the reason that only one member answered this question just now, but the other members seem to just let it go?” Coach can also ask the questioner,” Why did you ask this question?Is there any particular consideration?”


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    Denise Fernandes dos Santos Silva


    I would make an intervention and ask the group:
    Group, how are we responding to the group’s questions? After the answers, I would ask the owner of the question: What else would you like to hear from the group?


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