Scenario: Group Question

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: One of the participants asks a question of the entire team, after a single answer another question is asked and the team moves on to the next question.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Elodie Schwartz


    Depending on the situation, I would see two possibilities for intervention. First, I would intervene and make an observation that we have not heard from the rest of the team and I would ask if we can put that question on hold. If I did not get a chance to do so before someone else answers, I would wait until it is answered and would then make an observation that I don’t think that the previous question has been answered by everyone in the team and get each of them to answer. Once the team has finally answered the question, I would ask them what is the impact of not being able to hear from everyone and what they could do about it for the rest of the session.


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    Anna Rutkowska


    Podobnie jak Elodie Schwart zatrzymałabym grupę na chwilę. i zwróciłabym się do osoby, która zadała ostatnie pytanie- np. Kasiu zanotuj proszę sobie pytanie, które zadałaś, żeby Ci nie umknęło. Wrócę jeszcze do pytania skierowanego do całej grupy. Zauważyłam, że na zadane pytanie, tylko jedna osoba miała możliwość wypowiedzenia się. Zauważyliście to? Kto chciałby jeszcze udzielić odpowiedzi?. I potem zapytałabym grupę- Jak myślicie, jak nam idzie równowaga w tym, kto pyta, kto odpowiada? Dlaczego to ważne ? i kolejne pytanie- Jak możemy o to zadbać w naszej grupie? Po czym…kontynuujmy- kto chce zadać kolejne pytanie?


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    Aik Gerrese


    If I feel an intervention is in place, I would ask the person whom asked the initial question if he/she feels that it has been answered sufficiently by the rest of the group.


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    Libby Hampson


    I would use an intervention to ask the the whole group how they felt we (they) were doing as a group and what was going well / could be even better. Hopefully someone in the group may highlight the question and perhaps that they had something to offer or add. This would give an opportunity to return to the question when the discussion restarted.


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    I will intervene on team performance by making questions:
    – Hi Team, is this answer for one person or for the whole team?
    – Does anyone else would like to answer this question?
    – How do you want to move forwards as a team for now?


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    Thu DO


    I would intervene:
    “Hello team, Is this question for 01 person or for the entire team?”
    – How are the other team member’s opinions about this question?
    – What we can learn from this situation?”


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    Kongkiat Phanawadee


    I would intervene to ask the participant who owned the earlier question if he was okay for single answer or he still needed answers from other participants. If he still confirmed that he needed answers from the entire team. Then let other participants to respond to that question. If he said okay to move on, I would say “Let’s move on to the next question”.


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    Phattraphorn Chunhakamolruck


    I would intervene and inform the team that we have not yet heard from the rest of the team as the question ask the question from the entire of the team.

    I would also ask if there is any further opinion from other team members?


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    Kevin Mukherjee


    I would use an intervention, and point out that only one person has responded. Then ask the group members for their additional thoughts. If the group has none, I would ask the member that posed the question if they believe their question has been fully answered or if they would like to explore the issue further. If they don’t think the question has been answered, I would ask them to state why (to determine if the question is too complex or confusing in nature for the rest of the group to grasp). Ask the group, if they have any questions for the original member with the question (to gain clarification)


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    Phattraphorn Chunhakamolruck


    I will intervene by making questions to the team:
    S: Team, the recently question had asked for one person or the whole team? How many member had answered already ?
    I: What will happen if we move forward with only 1 answer?
    D: How do you want to move forward as a team for this question?


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    Phattraphorn Chunhakamolruck


    I will intervene by making questions to the team:
    Team, the recently question had asked for one person or the whole team? How many member had answered already ?
    What will happen if we move forward with only 1 answer?
    How do you want to move forward as a team for this question?


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