Scenario: Ignored Norms

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: Team members are not adhering to the norms they agreed to.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Leticia Sadocco


    I would use a sequential intervention, as follows: 1 – What: “Group, I’m noticing that the rules and agreements we’ve made are not being honored. Has anyone else noticed? 2 – So what?: “What are the impacts of not following the rules established by ourselves for this session?” 3 – Now what?: “How do we want to act from now on in this session?”


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    Aik Gerrese


    The first time norms are not followed, I would simply state the observation, followed with a small question such as “how do we feel about this?” and specifically not wait for anyone to answer.
    The second time I would confront the person crossing the line with: “Do you realize that you just stepped over our own boundaries b y not respecting the norms we as a group have set?”.
    If it keeps happening, and it is frustrating the process, I would ask the entire group what needs to change to make either the norm valid again, or how to achieve progress in the current situation.


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    Anna Rutkowska


    Podobnie jak Leticia zainterweniowałabym mówiąc: Zatrzymam Was na chwilę. Zauważyłam że zasady na które się umówiliśmy nie są honorowane. Powiedziałabym konkretnie o jakie zasady chodzi i jaka jest moja obserwacja.
    Dopytałabym , czy grupa to również zauważyła:” Kto z Was też to zauważył”?
    Potem dopytałabym: “Jak uważacie, jaki to ma wpływ na naszą pracę?
    I dalej po uzyskaniu odpowiedzi: Czy potrzebujemy zmienić coś w naszej pracy? “Co dokładnie?”


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    Danielle de Nóbrega Tiso


    I would remind them the rules and ask him if they clearly understood the rules. I would ask what would happen if we decided not to respect the rules and the impact to the team.
    This situation already happened to me as I described in this report. The sponsor of the problem tried to disrespect the rule that he should not participate in the session as we already agreed days before when I explained all details about the AL Session. In this situation I asked he? what did we decided about your participation what kind of impacts can we face if you decide to break these rules Ans I asked to the team how they would feel if the sponsor decided to participate, breaking the rules. With this tree questions, the sponsor excused himself and understood that he couldn’t participate. It was a great outcome for all


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    Erin Rahman


    I would intervene after 5 or so minutes and ask “What team norms did we agree to the last time I intervened?” I would ask “What else?” until all norms, including the one being violated, was listed. Then I would ask “How are we doing on following these norms? Which are we following well? Which are we not following well? What is the impact of not following these norms? What can be do better? What are we doing well that we should continue?”

    If they don’t remember, I would say “Does anyone remember the team discussing the norm ABC?” If no – “what is the impact of not having this norm? What are we doing well? What can we do better? Will this norm help us perform better as a team?” If they say yes they do remember the norm – “Is this norm still important to the team? How are we doing on following this norm? What are we doing well? What can we do even better?”


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    Lapton Kwok


    I’ll intervene the team
    – I observed that somebody not follow the norm that we’ve agreed, What’s the impact to the team? What’s the impact to help the problem presenter to solve his/her issues?

    – Do we still follow the norms?

    After the intervention, sometimes they will forget to follow the norms. And I will have a short reminder to ask them: “The norms you have agreed is…….”. To let them stick with the norms and will not disturb the process.


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    Thu DO


    I would intervene
    “Hello team, What are the norms our team agreed to follow at the begining?”
    “How do we practice this agreement in the last minutes?
    “What are the impacts of not following team norm?”
    “How our team decide the efficient rules to work in next 15 minutes?”


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    Nguyễn Thanh Triều


    As a learning coach when team members fail to adhere to the standards they’ve agreed to, I step in and ask them to answer the compliance questions: “What did we do?” committed to comply with what?” “What are the implications if we don’t adhere to the agreed standards?” “What good did we do?” “And what would we do better?”


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    Magdalena Kosiorowska


    I would ask: How do you view adherence to established norms from 1:10? What influences it? What can we do to improve it?


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    Sasirat Triwittayakorn


    As a action learning coach I’ll intervene
    S : Hello team ; I observed that team members are not adhering the norms they agreed to.
    I : What’s impact our the team if member are not adhering the norms?
    D : What do we decide to do on this situation?


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