Scenario: Insufficient Time

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: The team realizes the problem presented is much bigger than the time allotted.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Linh Truong


    At that moment, I would just simply reflect the situation back to the team and ask them “How do we want to handle it?” or “What can we do to best use of the time alloted?” then let the team proceed depending on their suggestions and decision.

    When it is time for the reflections on learning, I would refer back to that situation and ask the team what they can learn from it.


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    Seeing a learning opportunity, this ALC will intervene with the remark, “I notice that there seems to be a shared realisation and understanding among TMs that because of the complexity of the problem, the time allotted may not be enough to analyse and uncover its root causes. Now, this ALC will ask, how does the team want to proceed and make the most of the time remaining? After the team reaches an agreement and arrives at a decision, this ALC will allow the team to proceed. The next act of this ALC will be a reminder intervention of an upcoming debriefing on what actions the PP will take as a result of this session. The session will culminate with a reflection of learnings of the situation earlier observed earlier – insufficient time ( What happened, what worked well after decision was made, what needs to be improved and what can be done differently to improve team performance).


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    Sneha Govind


    As an ALC coach, I would firstly request the Problem Presenter to look at an urgent and critical problem that needs to be solved in the immediate future. If the problem statement seems be to be bigger than the time allocated for both the action learning session, I would ask the problem presenter to break down the problem to 1 or 2 critical parts that needs urgent and immediate attention. Which can thereby help the reminder of the problem eventually.


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    Christian Manlapaz


    Ask the team how they want to handle the problem knowing it will take more time. Create new agreements and commitments from the members. Prioritize what can be solved at that time and what are the issues need to solved in the coming meetings.


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    Hsiao Chun Chung


    If the current situation is that the team is aware of the problem and asks the coach that “time is not enough”, answer: “I think the problem is solved step by step.” Then ask: “When we realize that there is not enough time to solve the problem. , What are the ways to deal with it?” After the team replied, the team asked again: “After listening to the above methods, how do we get a consensus and move on?” After the team has reached a consensus, continue the discussion according to the time, or guide the PP to propose an action plan , For follow-up team learning.

    If it is only proposed by team members, when there is not enough time to discuss with each other, let the team learn by itself, and propose learning points when sharing time: let the team deeply share their actions, how to combine operations with leadership and other content to strengthen the learning effect.


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    I will let the team discussion move forward first. If there is still no improvement, I will invite team members to answer, “what do you think is the current situation facing our team?” After getting the reply, I will ask again, “what should we do to make the team better?”


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    lucas christophe


    I ask the group: In view of the progress of the problem, how to envisage the continuation in the short term and in the medium term?
    What can be achieved during this session and what can be postponed?


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    As an Action Learning Coach, I will intervene by making questions:
    – Hello Team, How much time do we have for today’s session?
    – How can we best use our time to help PP during this limited period?
    I will let the team decide. And in the end, I will reflect that this is only a part of the issues where we could review and widen at another time also.


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    Lapton Kwok


    I will intervene and ask the team
    – TEAM, the remaining time is xxx mins, do we have common understanding on PP’s issues?
    – How could we help the PP decided his/her action plan in limited time?
    – Remind team on their leadership competencies.


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    Michał Kowalczewski


    I am reminded of the approaching end of time. I ask the team what they want to achieve by the end of the time knowing that there are XX minutes left. I will ask what idea for further activities / next sessions. If the band wants to continue on the same day because it’s in the process, I agree to that and ask the band to set a specific time. If they want more sessions, I also agree to that and contract for another date. At the end of the session, I will ask them what the team has learned from this situation.


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