Scenario: Last Call

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: The problem presenter consistently waits until lasts to read their version of the problem.

Tags: Action Leaning, Action Learning Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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Comments (7)

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    Borin Buoy


    I would intervene by invite the problem presenter to share his/her problem by asking: “Problem presenter, could you read to the team your problem?”. If the problem presenter still want to wait, I would ask to the team: “Team, do you want to hear from the problem presenter? Problem presenter, what is your written problem? “


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    Marsel Gareev


    I would do nothing. The script suggests that the problem presenter has to be the last to read their version of the problem.


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    Savin Oeun


    Being as coach, I will intervene by asking team the question “if is the impact to the team if our member do not read the written statement, and what should we do”?


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    Justyna Truchel


    Running an AL session I even prefer when PP is the last to read out his/her version of the problem.
    It allows me to avoid a situation when the team members are unnecessarily influenced by PP’s version of the problem.
    Anyway, after a round, everyone will have an opportunity to check if their version is close to PP’s version of the problem.


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    Katherine Steele


    Having the problem presenter go last isn’t necessarily protocol. While it is important to ask them ‘last’ when addressing what actions they are taking, or what questions they would like to ask the team to determine next steps, they don’t have to be last to read the problem after checkins. One technique when you have don’t a check in after they have written down their version is to ask “Who would like to share their problem first?” and then have them select to go in order from their right or their left, this would likely mix up the order and push the problem presenter to speak earlier.


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    It is ideally expecting that the PP will not be the last call reading his/her statement of the problem in the session, but in the case of the previous situation as an Action Learning Coach, I respect PP opinion and I will be the following one after the PP to read the statement in term of my reflection of PP problem.


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    Coach ask Team:
    – ” Hello Team, what is happening in our team? On the scale from 1 (the least participation) to 10 (the most participation) , please scale your own?
    – ” I observe that PP is expecting the last to read PP’s problem statement. Did you observe the same as Coach?”
    – “What is the impact of PP’s suggestion to team?”
    – “What will impact to the quality’s problem consensus ?”
    – ” How do we prevent this from happening in team?”
    – “Who has next question?”


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