Scenario: Multiple variables

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: The team has been working on this problem for several sessions. This will be their last session to develop a complete, implementable solution. The team is attempting to analyze the problem in a search to identify the one key variable that they can influence change to create movement in the direction of their established goal or end result. They are debating the relevance of only a few factors and seem to be ignoring the probability that the problem situation was caused or is perpetuated by multiple factors.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    I will ask the team:
    – I notice that team members have started to make suggestions to solve the problem. Have any team members noticed?
    – If so, does the team have a good understanding of the problem?
    – Did the team agree on the problem definition, goal attainment, and cause analysis before moving on to problem solving recommendations?
    – Does the team fully understand the drivers and impediments to reaching the goal?
    – What did the team decide to do next?


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