Scenario: New tool
Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk
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Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk
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Meire Beraldo
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Eu faria um trabalho interno para conter minha ansiedade e não intervir e tirar o ritmo e regras do AL. Buscaria possibilidades de intervenção com perguntas profundas que poderiam apoiar o grupo nas suas descobertas. Seria um grande exercício de maturidade e pertinência das perguntas.
Calixto Salud Jr
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From the learning session, I will draft empowering questions that will bring to life what I learned and ask these questions during an actual action learning session. By doing this, I can help the team discover the real underlying problem as well as unleash their potential skills in the root-cause analysis.
By repeatedly asking these question in various action learning sessions, I can likewise help the team members learn a new skill.
Linh Truong
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If I have some time outside the session, I would share with the team members that I have just learned a new way of doing root cause analysis that, I think, may help the team identify the real problem much quicker and ask them if they are interested in getting to know this new tool. If they say yes then I would spend some time to share with them.
If the team is in the middle of the session, as an action learning coach, I would trust the team, trust the process and would intervene only when necessary ̣(for example when it seems like the team is getting stuck with the root cause analysis while time is running out) with questions like “How are we doing with identifying the root cause of the problem?”, “Why is it important that we identify the root cause and get consensus on it with shorter time?”, “How do we want to make it happen within this team?”
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This ALC will only seriously consider introducing a new tool/ process only if it appears that despite all efforts to address suboptimal behaviours, the team is still failing and needs help in identifying the real problem. Then only will this ALC respectfully ask the team if they are interested in learning a tool that the team has not tried but others have used to deal with what the team is currently struggling .
Hien Quach
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If I know some new method of identifying root cause easily I will share with the team outside or before the beginning of the coaching session.
During the ALC session, I will follow the process and trust the team to find out the problem and come to consensus on the problem. If they are stuck with consensus on the problem, I can intervene by asking questions like:
– How are we doing with identifying real problem of PP?
– How would you want to do it differently to find out real problem in a shorter time?
Ada Chui Shan So
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If this is a Pure AL program, not including any Training/ Consultation/ etc., I probably will not share or mention my just-learned new way.
In the AL process, “Action/Solution” and “Learning” are Equal Priorities. We need to believe that the team will have their resources to work it out. The process on finding their own tools/ own ways is an important learning for the team. My just-learned new way is a good way for them may be just a Ego of myself. At least, my new way should not be the only way out. Why don’t we believe the team and let them try.
What about if they are really stuck on this issue of finding the root cause?
I would intervene and ask Who outside of our team may assist us? or Any resource we may have? I will only use questions to inspire their thinking. Showing Power of Questioning is a duty of AL Coach too.
Suzan Koike
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If there is the possibility of including some content before or after the sessions, I as an action learning coach would do it to support the group’s learning.
In the session I would follow and trust the method by only doing learning interventions with questions that support the group in finding the root cause together: “How are we going to identify the root cause of the problem?”, “Why is it important to identify the root cause? ”, “How can we do as a group to make this happen in less time? ”
Danielle de Nóbrega Tiso
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I would plan to share with the team this new tool before the AL session and discuss with them if this tool could be used by us, supporting the group`s learning.
In the AL session, I would follow AL methodology supporting the team to find the main root of the problem making interventions and questions about how this group could find the main root of the problem and how would be the impacts to put efforts in this discover.
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Action Learning focuses on both problem solving and individual competency development. As an Action Learning Coach, I will respect this learning journey by not sharing the new tool during the Action Learning session but flow with the process. I will share the tool later in an appropriate forum.
Nhan Nguyen
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Before or after the Action Learning session, if I have enough time I will quickly share the tool that I know as a reference for members. However, I will emphasized that they need to determine what is the best and most appropriate tool for their problem.
During the Action Learning session, we are expected to demonstrate the competencies of an Action Learning Coach, among which is the trust team. I have to trust that the team can work together effectively to best identify the problem.