Scenario: Other problem

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: The team is focusing on a problem in another division that they have no influence over.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Melissa Cummings


    I would do a subsequent checkin, following the basic script and adding in some reflective questions to help the group get back on track. For example, after asking “what are we doing well/what could we do better,” I would then ask the group to do a quick “fist to five” rating of how the group is doing helping the problem presenter to identify his/her problem and actions he/she plans to take after the session. Based on the feedback, I would consider asking “what questions are we asking/answering” and “how focused are our questions on today’s challenge.” I would then take a moment to ask the problem presenter “what can the group can do to help him/her determine an action plan?” Hopefully, the problem presenter would indicate they would like the group to ask more questions, at which point I would ask “who has the next question” and continue with the session.


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    Kamila Sobel


    As an action learning coach , I would make an intervention and first ask an open question :
    How do you feel we are we doing as a group thus far on a scale of 1 – 10?
    a. What are we doing well? (anyone can answer) Anything else?
    b. What could we do better? (anyone can answer) Anything else?
    c. Do we have agreement on the problem – yes or no? (everyone )
    Please write down in your own words what you believe the real problem we can help the problem presenter with today.
    If the team members still do not notice that they have no influence over- I would ask additional open questions:
    d. What influence do we have on this situation? Who can help us to solve this problem?
    If this still doesn’t work : I will say:
    I’ve observed, that the presenter has no influence on this case. Did anyone else notice that? What’s the impact of that on the team? What can we do better?


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    Cassie Gibbons


    I would ask the following questions:
    What influence do we have on this issue?
    How effectively are we utilizing our time?
    What problem are we solving?
    How can we ensure we remain focused on the current problem?


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    Roxette Lam


    I will intervene with the questions:
    – What did we do well?
    – What did we do well to help PP in the session?
    – What will we do to use time more effectively to help PP in this session?


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    Patrick Kok


    I would intervene by asking, “Team, do we have a good understanding of the problem?” “Take 2 minutes to write down the problem that you understand it to be and I will invite you to read it out to the team”.

    After they’ve written and read out the statements, I’ll than ask “Do we have an agreement to the problem? Yes, No or Quite Close” This is so that they can decide if they have a good understanding of the problem.

    If the team realized that they do not have an influence of the outcome of the problem of another division, I’ll proceed with the next question, “Team, what are we going to do here?”. This would allow for the team to decide on the next course of action of which they can agree on to take. I’ll ask further “Team, what action are you going to take as a result of this session?”


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    Lia Cavellucci


    As an Action Learning Coach, if I noticed that the problem that the group is intending to focus on is outside its scope, I would make an intervention and ask:
    – Who could help us remember what types of problems Action Learning can help us solve?
    Ensuring that we get to the point of identifying that the problem needs to be in the purview of the presenter or the group (if it is a group problem), I would ask:
    – To what extent is this problem that we are choosing to solve within the scope of the presenter/group?
    – How are we going to deal with this as a group?


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    Paweena Aramrattana


    As an Action Learning Coach I would ask;
    Is this problem in another division?
    How is this problem important to you?
    How can we influence to solve this problem?


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    Zhang Meng


    Coaches need to intervene.
    Ask members how influential we can be on this issue. On a scale of 1-10, how we will rate? What issues can we have more impact on?Why would we choose to discuss issues that we have less impact?


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