Scenario: Overly Focused (2024)
Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk
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Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk
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John Chang
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As an AL coach, I maintain neutrality towards the content of the team’s discussions and respect the team’s ideas for advancing the issue. I would consider two approaches:
1. During the team’s reflection, I would ask, “Have we fully discussed various aspects of the problem and focused on the problem to be solved?” and “How should we deal with those perceptions/ideas/opinions/facts that have not been discussed?”
2. To confirm the direction of the team’s discussion with the PP, I would ask, “Has the team clarified the problem?” and “What is the relevance of the current discussion to your original problem?”
Jan-Joost Oostenbrink
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As their coach it’s not my role to take part on the content. However I’ll play the part of coach on the process and their learning. Therefore I would choose one of the following interventions:
1) I would call for a check in – asking the team how they are doing on progressing on their alternatives on the true nature of their problem, what they are doing well / what they might improve upon. This to see if they being overly focused themselves. This so they can take ownership of their own process & learn while going about it.
2) If they don’t make the observation on being overly focused I would ask the question “You have generated a number of alternative perceptions, ideas, opinions, facts, etc.. as to the true nature of the problem. Following that you have now spend x amount of time on one of them, what is the effect of this?
Huy Nguyễn
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I will intervene by asking PP:
“According to you, what is the most important keyword in the issue you’re raising?”
Then I will ask the whole group:
“Is the team currently focusing on the keyword PP just mentioned?”
“If not, what is causing the team to lose focus on it?”