Scenario: Overly Focused (2024)

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: The team has generated a number of alternative perceptions, ideas, opinions, facts, etc. as to the true nature of the problem. Then the team starts focusing in on one (e.g., debating the merits or validity of the specific component) and omits other items from explicit consideration.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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Comments (3)

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    John Chang


    As an AL coach, I maintain neutrality towards the content of the team’s discussions and respect the team’s ideas for advancing the issue. I would consider two approaches:

    1. During the team’s reflection, I would ask, “Have we fully discussed various aspects of the problem and focused on the problem to be solved?” and “How should we deal with those perceptions/ideas/opinions/facts that have not been discussed?”

    2. To confirm the direction of the team’s discussion with the PP, I would ask, “Has the team clarified the problem?” and “What is the relevance of the current discussion to your original problem?”


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    Jan-Joost Oostenbrink


    As their coach it’s not my role to take part on the content. However I’ll play the part of coach on the process and their learning. Therefore I would choose one of the following interventions:
    1) I would call for a check in – asking the team how they are doing on progressing on their alternatives on the true nature of their problem, what they are doing well / what they might improve upon. This to see if they being overly focused themselves. This so they can take ownership of their own process & learn while going about it.
    2) If they don’t make the observation on being overly focused I would ask the question “You have generated a number of alternative perceptions, ideas, opinions, facts, etc.. as to the true nature of the problem. Following that you have now spend x amount of time on one of them, what is the effect of this?


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    Huy Nguyễn


    I will intervene by asking PP:
    “According to you, what is the most important keyword in the issue you’re raising?”

    Then I will ask the whole group:
    “Is the team currently focusing on the keyword PP just mentioned?”
    “If not, what is causing the team to lose focus on it?”


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