Scenario: Presenter Questions

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: All of the questions are directed at the problem presenter.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    ratirat joypradit


    “Team , Did we asking question that direct to only one person or distribute to everyone
    “What would be the impact if team still keep asking like this ?”
    “What would team decide to do after this for improving this situation ?”


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    ratirat joypradit


    “Team , Did we asking question that direct to only one person or distribute to
    everyone equally?”
    “What would be the impact if team still keep asking like this ?”
    “What would team decide to do after this for improving this situation ?”


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    Tom Palmer


    Upon checking in, I would first ask, “How are we doing with directing questions at others besides the problem presenter?”
    Then, “Why is it important that we ask questions to others as well?”
    Then, “What can we do differently moving forward to [reference responses/reasons from second question]?”


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    Krist Kroopasa


    I will intervene:
    1. The team! How is our teamwork going now? What is happening?
    2. What is the impact on the team if all questions are still directed to the PP?
    3. What we can do to improve?


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    Toan Than


    I intervene with questions
    – How is our teamwork going now?
    – If team don’t recognize, I will ask “I observed that All of the questions are directed at the problem presenter. How it may impact to the working of team?”
    – What we can do to improve?


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    Sharifah Azizah Haron


    Upon observing the situation, I would raise the team’s awareness about the issue. First, I would ask the three basic question to the team: “Team, how are we doing as a group so far? (on a scale of 1 to 10; 1 – poor, 10 – excellent)” After getting their response, follow up with, “What are we doing well?” and “What could we do better?” But, if none is mentioned about how all questions are directed to the problem presenter, I posed this question to the group, “Team, anyone remember what are the two ground rule of AL” and followed by this question “Team, how asking questions to other members besides the problem presenter would this help in finding solution to the problem? [Who has the next question…]


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    Danny de Ruiter


    As an ALC I would intervene by asking:
    – “How are we cooperating as a team so far?”
    If no-one comes up with the fact that the questions are only being directed at the problem presenter, I would ask:
    “I’ve noticed that the questions have been directed only at the problem presenter. Do you agree?”
    If so:
    “What’s the impact of this on the team’s work?”
    “How can we improve this?”


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    Ana Pierrotti


    I would intervene by asking: “Team, how are we doing by following the basic rule? Who would remind us about that rule?” As soon as someone answer that question – Anyone can ask a question of anyone at any time – very likely they auto regulate by themselves.


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    Christian Manlapaz


    This has happened. I paused the session and asked what have the group observed with the questions? How will the presenter not asking questions affect the learning and reflections of the group? What can we do to improve the situation? How do you want to move forward with the session? What did we learn about this intervention? Who has the next question?


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    Tanushree Luthra


    Intervene when the questions to the problem presenter continue, and ask:
    – Where are all the questions being directed?
    – Why is it important that we tap into the diverse expertise available to us here?
    – How can we discover the rest of the expertise within this group?
    – Who has the next question?


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    David Rude


    This can be a common occurrence in action learning sessions. After all, the problem presenter (PP) is the primary source of information about why it is a problem, who cares, and what happens if the problem is left unattended. At the session’s onset, it is reasonable that a few questions be directed at the PP. As coach, it would be my responsibility to intervene after a few moments to inject questions such as:
    “Having heard from the PP, what questions do we have for each other?”
    “Who would like to ask a question directed at someone else?”
    “What are we learning about working as a team?”
    “What do we believe is the problem? Please spend a few moments and write it down in your own words.”
    And possibly a question to the PP: “What question would you like to ask the group?”


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    Dung Nguyen Thi Phuong


    I would ask questions like “How’s our teamwork now? What’s the impact if all questions are directed at PP? What could we do better?” Then I will ask them about the 2 ground rules of action learning coach and the way they apply them so they can improve the situation


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    Benny Tse


    I will intervene by stating my observation that all questions have been directed only to the problem presenter and if anyone noticed that. What is the impact of this to the team and what resources can use to improve this situation?


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    Phattraphorn Chunhakamolruck


    As coach, I will address as following question;
    “Team , do you observed that the questions were distribute to all team members or direct to only PP?
    “What will be the impact if all the question ask to PP?
    “What could we do better on distribute the question after this?


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    Michał Kowalczewski


    I ask in the team intervention about “What can we do better”? If no one answers that questions are addressed to PP, I ask who else we can direct questions to and how this will affect the further work of the team.


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    Niwat Theeraviwatwong


    I will intervene by using “SID model” as follows;
    S : Team! How about our team asking questions?
    I : What impact will this have on the team? If we continue to ask all questions directed at the problem presenter (PP).
    D : What can we do to improve better?


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    Oliver Pangan


    I would intervene and ask the team if they noticed that all questions so far were directed to one person. Based on experience, the one getting all the questions would immediately agree and say he/she’s been the only one answering all the questions. I would then ask the team what the impact of this might be on the team if they continue with it. I will then proceed in asking them how they would like to move forward with this new insight or realization.


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    曹 CAO 凌 LING


    First, I will stand beside PP and ask him, “all the problems are thrown at you. How do you feel now?” Second, I will ask participant, “what are the two basic rules of action learning?” Finally, I will ask PP, “do you have any questions to participants now?”


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    An Nguyễn


    Hello team, coach observed that all questions are directed at PP, what happened?

    What is the impact of this on the team?

    What will the team do to improve?


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