Scenario: Smack(2024)

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: A participant ‘playfully’ hits another member on the back of the head.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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Comments (3)

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    Marcella Lucas


    I would say “Hi Team – how do we feel about what just happened there?”. This will put the situation back to the group, to 1. observe that happened, and 2. hear from the participants what their observations and reactions are. Based on the responses, I may then follow up with “How do we want to proceed from here?”


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    Amar PATEL


    Highlight that I observed the behaviour to the team and ask
    • Is this playful interaction common?
    • How do they feel about this type of interaction?
    • If this situation were to happen again, how does the team want to handle it?


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    Thu DO


    Hello team, I (coach) observed that member A playfully hits team member on the back of the head. What is the impact on the team? How do we prevent this from happening again?


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