Scenario: Speed racer

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: The team has clear actions and a solution before the allotted time for the session has expired. You are uncomfortable that they have missed something.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Leticia Sadocco


    As ALC, our role is to help the group explore as much as possible, moving beyond the obvious or superficial layers of the problem.
    I would intervene like this: “We still have xx minutes until the beginning of the learning phase.
    What other resources could we use at this time to expand our search for solutions?”; “Why is it important that we seek all available resources to solve the problem?”; “How do we want this to happen in this group? I believe that in that way, I would challenge the group more and boost their creativity.


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      Anna Rutkowska


      Kwestia co oznacza fakt-iż mają rozwiązanie? Czy są to konkretne pomysły podczas interwencji gdzie włączyliśmy peer consulting, czy pytania, które powodują, że prezenter problemu mówi ok, już wiem co mam robić. Czy też padają rozwiązania a nie uzgodniliśmy co jest sednem problemu. Jeśli to ostatnie, to pytanie do grupy- Zauważyliście , że pojawiają się rozwiązania, zanim uzgodniliśmy co jest sednem problemu? Jaki to ma wpływ na skuteczność naszej pracy? Na czym powinniśmy się zatem teraz skupić?…Jeśli jest tak, że wszyscy się zgadzają i brakuje żywej dyskusji, to pytanie do grupy- zauważyłam, że łatwo się na wszystko zgadzamy. Zauważyliście to? Jak myślicie, jak to może wpływać na naszą pracę, że nie ma dyskusji wokół zaproponowanych rozwiązań? Jak nam idzie rozpoznawanie problemu ze wszystkich stron? Czy potrzebujemy coś zmienić w naszej pracy? Co? Jeśli prezenter mówi- mam wszystko, o co mi chodziło, to zapytałabym przed wszystkim Prezentera problemu czy ma jakieś jeszcze pytania do grupy, które pozwoliłyby mu określić kroki działania. Następnie dopytałabym – Co Ci ta informacja dała? Jakie działania wdrożysz w pierwszej kolejności? Co będzie pierwszym krokiem?


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    Danielle de Nóbrega Tiso


    As action learning coach, I would ask the team about two main points:
    1- what the team would like to do with this time that is remaining?
    2- did we look at all possibilities for this problem? Does someone have something more to contribute?
    I would say: Team, we still have XX minutes. Are you sure that we looked at all possibilities? All aspects of this problem? What can we do with this time that we still have?


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    Maria Fachado


    It depend on how much time is left but if I feel they are rushing through and keeping all at a superficial level and it early in the process as ALC I would make an intervention and ask to the Group: How are we doing as a team? What are we doing well? What could we do even better? If all agree that all is done and sorted I would remind them the remaining time we have and ask – Has the team explored all angles and possibilities?


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    Thu DO


    I would intervene:
    – “Hello team, we still have…..minutes left, What team can do to maximize the benefits of this xx minutes?”
    How do we ensure that these are the only best solutions we can have?
    What resources can help us generate more good solutions?”


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    Monika Pawłowska


    I’d intervene to encourage the team to further work on the action ‎plan, saying: Team, I am glad that you have worked with a ‎commitment during our session so far. We still have a several minutes ‎to its end. Let’s have a second look at the solution you’ve worked out. ‎How would you assess from 1 to 10 the solution’s completion? From ‎what other perspectives could we analyze worked out solution? What ‎risks and opportunities should be taken under consideration for the ‎solution? What resources should be secured to complete the action ‎plan with a success? Who’s decisions do you need to implement the ‎action plan? ‎
    I believe that questions listed above would make the team to analyze ‎action plan and cover missing aspect:). ‎


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