Scenario: Take charge

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: During the session someone jumps up to the easels and starts capturing the important things that are said.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Anna Rutkowska


    Nie interweniuję. Zostawiam. To praca grupy i każdy ma prawo do tego rodzaju zachowań. Wręcz przecież na początku przy zapisywaniu umiejętności liderskich, sama zachęcam do tego, aby ktoś z grupy podszedł do flipcharta i zapisał je. Potem zapytam grupę, jak dana sytuacja wpłynęła na efektywność ich pracy. Pamiętacie…była taka sytuacja, że…podszedł do flipcharta i zaczął zapisywać ważne rzeczy. Jak to wpłynęło na jakość naszej pracy? Czego ta sytuacja nas uczy?


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    Jingjing He


    As the action learning coach, i would intervene, checking with the team: how are we doing at the moment? What went well? What could be done better?

    Some team member might bring the person’s behavior to team’s attention for further discussion.

    I’ll leave space for the action learning team to notice, reflect and discuss how they feel about the person’s behavior, what they would like to do about it.

    Alternatively, i could ask ‘how does the team feel about xx jumps up to the easels and starts capturing the important things that are said’ then leave the team to decide what to do.


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      Savin Oeun


      Hi Team, do we have an agreement to the problem statement yet? How could we do next?


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      Amar PATEL


      As an Action Learning Coach has the authoirty to intervene whenever he / she identifies learning opportunities (i.e. 1 of the 2 priorities of Action Learning), I would say:

      I’ve observed a member of the team capturing some information on the flip chart, followed by …..
      Has anyone else in the team noticed this?
      What is the impact of this on the problem the team is working to solve? (i.e. the other priority of Action Learning)
      How would the team like to proceed?


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    Erin Rahman


    I would intervene after a few minutes, especially if this person stops asking questions. “How are we doing in asking questions at this moment? How is our focus? How does it impact the team to have our key points being captured?”


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    Ming Hui Cheng


    I would let it run for a short while, then intervene by stating my observation and ask, “Team, I noticed X is capturing notes on the easel. What is the effect of this on the process?”. I will respect their wishes if they (including team member X) feel that the notetaking does not adversely impact engagement (or even helps the process), and continue to monitor as the session progresses. If things appear to shift, or if anyone feels it would affect the process or engagement level then I would check how they wish to proceed in order to improve engagement.


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    Yuki Liu


    First, I’d observe the reaction of the team, whether they show acceptance/appreciation or surprise and/or annoying; meanwhile, I’d observe whether it would affect the engagement level of this member in the discussion. Then I’d ask the team what are the pros and cons of taking notes, and whether anyone has better ideas.


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    Joanna Sosnowska


    If we agreed to it at the beginning of the session, I don’t see a problem, as long as it doesn’t affect the quality of their work in practice.
    If we did not agree on this, I would ask the group a question: “How much is writing helpful for you?” If the group views this positively, let them continue what serves them for another moment.
    After some time, if it turns out that it slows down the work of the group – there are fewer questions, people are distracted,I would repeat the question and give my observation. I would ask if they notice it similarly – if so – I would ask “How do they want to continue working?”


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    Aldona Orłowski


    I’d acknowledge that one participant (XX) is taking notes on the flip and ask the Team following questions: As a Team how do you feel that XX is taking notes? How does it influence group learning How does it influence team cooperation? How does it bring us closer to the problem solving? I’d ask the person a reason of his/her activity. After discussing it with the Team, if it agrees XX can take notes, I’d ask, if wants to continue capturing what is said. I’d return to the main topic of the session and ask “who has the next question?”. If the Team disagrees, I’d ask what it wants to be done with XX activity and already taken notes. When the Team agrees what should be proceed, I’d let it be done. I’d also check what leadership competency XX develops during the session. In feedback phase of the session, I’d check by asking XX: “what is a connection of taking notes by you during the session with the leadership competency you picked to develop today?”


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    Rosie Dao Hanh Giang


    – Hello team, I notice that one member of us jumps up to the easels and starts capturing what is said. Has anyone observed that?
    (Team answer)
    – What is the impact of this on the team?
    (Team answer)
    – How do we want to handle it?
    (Team answer)


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