Scenario: Taking notes

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: During the session you realize no one is taking notes.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Bernard van Gils


    Tijdens mijn opleiding tot AL-coach heb ik geleerd dat het maken van aantekeningen door gespreksdeelnemers niet gewenst is. Ze leiden af en kunnen signalen afgeven die anders geïnterpreteerd kunnen worden. Het is denkbaar dat een van de deelnemers denkt dat er alleen zaken over hem/haar worden genoteerd als de deelnemer (toevallig) alleen aantekeningen maakt nadat die persoon iets gezegd heeft. Tijdens de sessies die ik coach maken alleen de observatoren aantekeningen. Zij zitten buiten de gesprekskring. Als ik me realiseer dat er vanuit de gesprekskring geen aantekeningen gemaakt worden, doe ik dus niets. Wanneer ik signaleer dat de observanten geen aantekeningen maken, stel ik daarover vragen aan hen tijdens een tussentijds evaluatiemoment.


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      Barry Hellings


      I don’t think that taking notes as a participant is necessary. I even prefer not taking notes during a question-session. Sometimes it can be valuable to make notes as a team. For example by making things more visible (different people have different learning-styles). At the end of a talking session it should be possible to take your pen and paper. Redefining the problem is very difficult by heart…


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    Paulina Gucka


    I would intervene by saying: “I see that we don’t make notes. What is the impact of this behaviour on our current performance?” , after group’s answer I would ask also “How it will impact future actions?” + “What we want to do about it?”


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    Sim Choo Khoo


    I would intervene with Curiousity by asking “Team, what is the impact of not taking notes during the session? ”
    If response is no impact, I will inquire ” Team, what works best for you to actively listening to the PP and capture information.
    I would ask “Team, how you like to handle this in the future?”


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    Nguyen Viet Hai


    I will using SID intervention Model
    Coach: I am observering our group haven’t taken notes yet ? do you see that ?
    Team: Yes
    Coach: what is the impact of not taking notes in our reflection on learning at the end of this sessions?
    Team: No impact
    Coach: How would we remember exactly the good question so that we give feedback to each others ?
    Team: No sure, none, don’t know
    Team: Not remember, not sure, cannot respond exactly
    Coach: How can we do to improve ?
    Team: Taking notes.
    Coach: Okay, let’s resume working on the problem


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    Nguyen Viet Hai


    I correct my answer as below:
    As an action learning coach I would use SID intervention model in this scenario.
    “I would lean in and ask “I am observering our group haven’t taken notes yet, Have you seen that ?”- This question will help the group realize the group is not taking notes. ( Situation).
    Then I continue with a question: “what is the impact of not taking notes in our reflection on learning at the end of this sessions? ( Impact)
    If the group said “No impact”, I would need to ask more questions to help the team recognize the impact of this, “How would we remember exactly the good question so that we give feedback to each others”.
    After the group realized the effect of not taking notes.I will ask questions to help the team improve this- “What can we do better?”. Then lean back after the group have solutions for this scenario.


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    Salete Deon Deon


    As Action Learning Coach I would use SID Intervention Model:
    ” I am observing that the group is doing some notes. What is the impact to take notes during the session? If theu group says that its probblem or its not problem, I would ask “How are they want to manage this?” And I will proceedure considering the group decision.


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    Chanchira Phetburi


    I will Intervene the team by telling them the fact what I observed. “I observed that no one in the team is taking note, did you all observe the same?”. Then ask them about the impact “What would be the impact if no one int he team taking note?” and let ask for team decision- “What should we do as a team to help problem preseter solve the problem?” or “What can we do better?”


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    Maura Muller


    As the AL coach I would intervene by saying, “I’ve noticed that we have been sharing many good thoughts and ideas today. How can we capture these in our session?” “How would the team prefer to proceed in capturing all the great ideas being generated?” I might also mention that at the end of the session we will all be asked to give examples of how we ourselves demonstrated our leadership skill and asked to give an example of how our team members demonstrated their chosen leadership skill. So, I might ask, “How are you keeping track of when our team has demonstrated their leadership skills so that we might all share this information at the end of our session?”


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    Mihaela M


    As an Action Learning Coach I will say:
    “How are we doing with capturing the Learning in the room?”
    “Why is that important to capture the learning?”
    “What norms can we think of so we can capture what is important for us?”


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    Thuy Nguyen thi Bich


    It is necessary to an action learning coach to assist the team understand learning points as well as feedback by taking notes during the session. The first question is “How do you remember the ideas to learn and give feedback?” Or “How many ways to record what happening?”, “Please list out”. One of the answers may be taking note. My next question is “Are you taking note?” When the team says no, I will ask “What is the impact of not taking notes?” and “What do you think if you get feedback with fully evidence from others?” then “What do you do next “


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    Phuc Nguyen


    I will intervene by asking question: “Team, I observed that you do not taking notes. Have you seen that?”
    Team: realize that nobody takes note. They may answer “yes”
    Next, I ask “How does it impact on your learning in the session?”
    Team: might they tell “yes, it impacts on our memories, we can not remember what happened” . I will ask “How can we do better?”
    Team: might they tell “nothing impact, we can practice for deeply listening”. I will ask “How can you remember learning moments happened during this session?” => if they tell they need to take note, let them do; if they tell they can remember by themselves, let them do.


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    Trang Le Thi Quynh


    As an action learning coach, in this case, I will intervene with the team and ask:
    Hello team, I observe that we do not make notes. What is the impact of this on reminding information and develop leadership competency during this time session?. After the team’s answers, I will ask the next, “how it will impact the future actions and what do we want to do about it?


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    bihong xie


    I ask, “I notice that no one on the team takes notes. Does not taking notes during the workshop affect the team?” If the answer is no, I will continue to ask, “What can we do to better remember the question and support listening and understanding?” to make the team consciously listen and understand.


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    Pet Hen Oei


    i have done most of my coaching sessions online… which making it difficult to really notice if anyone is taking notes. However, the only time I really notice the importance of taking notes is during the problem clarification, because they have to read what they have written verbatim.
    I would let the team runs as is, and as the coach who definitely take notes, I would identify those taking notes, and put it as a reflection questions as a learning opportunity at the end of the 90 mins coaching session. i think this learning is a must especially during SPAL Coaching.


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    Anne Bertoli


    I don´t feel that this is necessary in every session. If it feels important, as everyone will have something to take notes on, and considering the script asks for the problem to be registered, I would say: “I realized the none of you are taking notes. Do you think this is important?” And then I would allow them to regulate themselves.


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    During the session I realize no one is taking notes, as an Action Learning Coach, I would check in by using the SID intervention model to capture learning for the teams.


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    Janaina Gameiro Arbucias


    I would do the what/so what/now what intervention:
    “I have noticed nobody is taking notes. Has anyone else observed this? ”
    “What is the impact of not taking notes on the team?”
    “How do we want to proceed?”


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    Jacek Romanski


    I would ask: Does taking notes might improve problem solving and learning during the session.


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    Tatsawan Preedawiphat


    “Team, I observed that some of our members did not take notes during the session”
    “What will happen to the team while we sharing learning reflection if we take notes”
    “What can we agree to do after this?


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    Makie Wing Yi Ho


    I will intervene and highlight the observation and ask about the impact, and let the team to decide how they would like to proceed.
    – “I noticed no one is recording anything during the discussion session, did anyone notice that?”
    – “What would be the impact to our later discussion if there is no record?”
    – If team insisted not to take notes, I will wait until they forget what they’ve discussed and bring the questions out again.


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    Chhayrotana Prak


    As an Action learning Coach, I will use the SID method to apply team intervention for the learning purpose.


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    Ngoc Nguyen Thi Kim


    I will remind the group that the main goals of Action Learning are action and learning. I will ask them
    1. How can we follow what we have discussed?
    2. How can you share the commitment to actions and the reflections on learning?”
    Then, when the group finish their answers and I will ask the group what can we do better?


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    Gene Audrey Arayata


    In this situation, I will get a sense of how the team is doing before making any intervention. If the team is progressing even without anyone taking notes, I can wait for the planned intervention to raise this observation. If the team may be struggling because no one is taking notes, I would intervene sooner. In both cases, this would be my line up of questions:

    1. So team, I noticed that no one is taking notes. Did anyone else notice this too?
    2. What might happen if this were to continue throughout the session?
    3. Given this, how would the team like to proceed?


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    lucas christophe


    I will point out to the group that nobody takes notes and I will invite them to answer this question: do you think you retain everything on exclusive listening?
    Is this not taking notes detrimental to the search for solutions ?


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    Grace Wong


    I will ask: “I noticed that no one in the team took notes. Will it have any impact on the team?”
    It is up to the team to decide whether to take notes. If they answer that it is unnecessary to take notes, I will accept their choice and ask: “Without taking notes, what else can we do to better listen to and understand each other?” If their answer is that someone should take notes, I will accept their choice as well.


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    Nguyễn Cường


    As a Coach I would like to use SID model to intervene in this scenario.
    I would ask “Hello team, I see that in our team no body take note. Have you seen that?”.
    My next question is: “What is the impact to our reflection on learning at the end of this session if no body take note?”
    If all members said “OK, no trouble”, I would ask more “How can we remember good questions to feedback to each other’s”.
    After the team realize the effect of not taking notes, my final question is “What can we do to improve?”.


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    Pham Duyen


    As an AL coach, in this situation I would use the SID intervention model:
    “Hello team, Coach realized that no one is taking notes during the session. Has any member noticed this?” (This question will help members realize that nobody talking notes)
    I would continue with the question: ” How does it impact on your learning in the session? “(I’ll stop to let the members speak for themselves)
    When team members realized the harm of without taking notes during session. I would ask: “What do you think our team could do better?” (I’ll stop to let the members speak for themselves).
    Final: “Who has the next question?”


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    张 琴琴


    I will ask: “I noticed that no one is taking notes. What influence do you think will be if no one is taking notes during a discussion?” Or, I will ask: “What can we do to avoid missing valuable information and to make the speaker feel that we are listening carefully and grasp the main points when someone is talking?” I will remind the team to take notes and listen consciously to avoid missing important information.


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    Ming Hui Cheng


    I would remind everyone that they need to come up with actions and also observations of each others’ demonstration of leadership competencies at the end of the session, and ask “How might you like to keep track of key points for these purposes?”.


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    yanjun Wang


    I will ask, “I notice that no one takes notes in the team. Are there any influences if we don’t take notes during the session?” If the answer is no, I will continue to ask, “What can we do to help us better remember the question and support listening and understanding each other?” To make the team consciously listen and understand the members.


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    Serdar Gunel


    Lacking notetaking would be a real challenge when the team is asked to wrap up and revisit the problem statement together with the discussions on actions to be taken. I think the AL coach should not wait until the end and intervene when s/he notices that the team is failing in notetaking. I assume following questions would help the team to understand how important notetaking is:
    – What would be the results of not being able to record our discussions throughout the session?
    – How do you think we could do better in notetaking? What is your common decision on it?
    – Now, how would you like to proceed with the session keeping in mind the importance of notetaking?


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    Joanna Płaskonka


    I would use this situation as an opportunity for the group to learn how to become a better team. I would not assume that not taking notes is a problem itself, instead I would create a space for the team to figure it out whether it’s an issue and what they want to do about it.

    I would start my AL coach intervention with “I noticed that no one is taking notes. What do you think about that?” (WHAT?)
    Then I would ask “How does it impact our work?” (SO WHAT?)
    Last but not least, I would ask “What do we want to do about it? What can we do about it?” (NOW WHAT?)


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    Saroj Pungthai


    When I see no one is taking notes, I will intervene, “Team, what do you think taking notes will affect your teamwork?” “And what should we do to make the taking note happen?”.


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    Thi Phuong Thao Nguyen


    I will Intervene the team:
    – Hello team, I observed no one in the team is taking note. What way you can capture the opinions of team members during the session?
    – What should we do to help Problem presenter solve the problem and we will comment together in the reflection?


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