Scenario: TMI

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation:

A participant responds to the question they were asked and continues on with additional information that is no longer answering the original question.

Tags: Action Leaning, Action Learning Coach, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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Comments (15)

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    Janice Loh


    As the ground rule says, statements only in response to questions and it can be any kind of statements, not necessary answering the question directly. Thus, I would let the participant finish his response and then intervene at the right moment and ask who has the next question once the participant ends his or her response, if no one else follow up with the next question.


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    Amanda Bowman


    I’d make an intervention and ask the participant what question they were answering. Hopefully that would highlight the fact that they are going off track.


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    Sumaia Thomas


    As an action learning coach I would interrupt the participant with the following questions: “Are you answering a question or are you asking another question? Depends on the answer, I would continue: What was the question? And/or: What is the new question?
    I would also take the opportunity to ask the group about the learnings of the situation if it had happened more than once using the following question: “Why is it important to keep our answers short?”


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    Sumaia Thomas


    in time…
    another possible (or better) question to the participant, it would be:”Could it be that what you were talking about was just answering that question?”


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    Andrew Christopher


    Ask them “what question are you answering?” to get them to recognize the disconnect between their additional information and the original question asked.


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    Dina Guo


    As an Action Learning Coach I would carry out an intervention. I would ask the participant a question- “Sorry, do you finish your answer for the last question?” If the participant says “Yes”, I would ask whether he/she has a new question or not. If the participant says “Yes”, I would let him/her try a question not statement.


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    Gurpreet Bhatia


    I will intervene and ask the person “What question are you answering?”


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    As an Action Learning Coach, he would make an intervention, questioning: “Does your argument answer which question?” or “Do you want to ask the group a question related to this situation?”


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    Misbah Maqsood


    Case 1: I will intervene and ask the speaker “Have you finished answering the last question?”.
    Case 2: I will intervene and ask the speaker “Which question are you answering?”


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    Maria Angela Passadori


    As an Action Learning Coach I would intervene by asking the following questions: What is the question you are answering? What is the importance of just responding to what we have been asked?


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    Christine Bona De Napoli


    As an Action Learning coach I would wait the person to answer the question and would make the following questions to the Group: “From 1 to 10, how are we going on giving precise answers to the questions? and then I would complete “What is the impact of this for the Group?”


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    Rachael Olivier


    I’ve encountered this scenario various times, during my coaching sessions. Once this occurs, I typically politely ask “What question are you answering?”. In addition, I use it as a learning opportunity to remind the group to provide responses to the questions posed.


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    fatima dias


    Observing the ground rule, I would give a minute to the participant to finish his answer and ask him :
    -” What question are you answering? ”
    Then I would ask whether he has a new question.


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    Oam Ratanakarn


    I’ll intervene with respect and bring them awareness. My question to the group will be “So far, how are we doing in answering questions?”.

    If they answer that some infomation might not relate to question being asked, then, I’ll ask “how unrelated information impact to our air time?.

    Then, follow with “What will we do next to answer more precise and concise?”.


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    Susan Mozian Mozian


    As the Action Learning coach, I would intervene with a question to the group, “What question are you answering?”


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