Scenario: Two owners

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: You have two problem owners for your project. You assume that the problem owners have coordinated the presentation of the problem for the kickoff session. As soon as one starts to present the problem the other interrupts with a very different view of the problem.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Zuzanita Zakaria


    I would intervene and ask the team : “Would it help if we have each problem owner present their view of the problem one after another? ”

    If the answer is yes, I would ask : “How and why would it help?”


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    Wongwarut Traiwut


    In this scenario, after PPs finish presenting their problem, I would intervene as follows
    – “PPs, I have observed that there are two angles of the problem presented to the group. Team, how do you find the problem that PP just presented?” wait for answer from the team.
    – “PPs, if both of you have to summarize the problem into in statement, what would it be?” wait for answer from both PPs.
    – “Now Team, how do you find the problem now?” If the answer is positive, then follow the process. if not, go back to PPs to rephase their problem statement.


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    Wongwarut Traiwut


    In this scenario, I can do the proactive action by have a briefing with both owners before the session to ensure that they have the clear problem to the team.

    Anyway, if this situation happened, I would do the intervention to problem owner by asking each of them “In one sentence, what was the problem for the team?”


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