Scenario: Unkind Gesture(2024)

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: A member arrives to a three hour session one hour late. You conduct coaching inquiries and he is smoothly integrated into the team. 15 minutes later he is exchanging friendly but sarcastic comments with a team member that end with him using a hand gesture toward that member that would cause most folks to take offense.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Kathy Zhang


    As an action learning coach, I would approach this situation with a blend of empathy, assertiveness and problem-solving. First I will determine whether the sarcastic comments and hand gesture were intended as playful banter or if they crossed the line into offensive tone. If the behavior is clearly offensive, I will intervene immediately. Politely but firmly address the situation by saying something like,” Excuse me, let’s keep our interactions respectful.” If it doesn’t work, I will bring the entire team together for a discussion. I would ask the team: “ I noticed that some team members felt uncomfortable…” and allow team members share their feelings and perspectives. Encourage active listening and empathy. Then I will involve the late member and the team in finding solutions. Reinforce team norms and agree on consequences for repeated incidents. After the session, I will schedule a follow-up conversation with the late member to assess progress.


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    sudesh prabhakaran


    As an action learning coach, I’d address punctuality privately, emphasizing its impact. For disrespectful behavior like sarcasm and offensive gestures, I’d intervene immediately, facilitating a discussion on respectful communication and conflict resolution. Working with the team member, I’d emphasize aligning behavior with team values for a more positive dynamic.


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    Joanna Grabowska


    W sytuacji, gdy członek zespołu przychodzi z godzinnym opóźnieniem, integruje się z zespołem, a następnie wymienia sarkastyczne uwagi, które mogą urazić innych, jako trenerka uczenia się przez działanie postąpiłabym następująco:

    Zwróciłabym uwagę na zachowanie członka zespołu, podkreślając, że wszyscy powinniśmy dążyć do wspierającej i konstruktywnej atmosfery.

    Wyjaśniłabym, że takie uwagi i gesty mogą negatywnie wpłynąć na zespół i przypomniałabym o zasadach szacunku i profesjonalizmu, które obowiązują w naszych sesjach.

    Podkreśliłabym znaczenie przestrzegania zasad komunikacji i współpracy, aby zapewnić, że wszyscy członkowie czują się komfortowo i szanowani.

    Bacznie obserwowałabym dalsze interakcje, aby upewnić się, że zespół stosuje się do ustalonych zasad i że atmosfera jest pozytywna. Zachęcałabym również do otwartego dzielenia się swoimi odczuciami i wsparciem dla innych członków zespołu.


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    Joanna Sosnowska


    I would like to ask a question – How are you working together today?
    I would also give feedback from myself, referring to the previously established rules of mutual communication (respect, one person says at a time, we stick to the topic): I have the impression that not all of us follow the rules we agreed on in the same way. What do you think? What is your opinion?


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    Dominika Pupkowska-Bral


    As an Action Learning coach, I would definitely ask the group when this person arrives if they are OK with this member joining the group despite being an hour late. I would ask the group a question: “How does it affect our work if someone joins us who is very late?” Then, noticing this team member’s strange behavior towards another person, I would intervene. I would ask the group, “I noticed something weird is happening right now, has anyone else noticed it?” Then: “What impact does this have on the team?” “How do we want to deal with this?” I am convinced that the group will quickly establish rules of cooperation that do not allow such behavior. If the group does not follow the rules that we established in the initial contract of our meeting, I will quickly remind them to make the rules clear. I am convinced that the voice of the group will have a positive impact on this member and he/she will quickly adapt to the rules established by the group.


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