Scenario: Unkind Gesture(2024)

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: A member arrives to a three hour session one hour late. You conduct coaching inquiries and he is smoothly integrated into the team. 15 minutes later he is exchanging friendly but sarcastic comments with a team member that end with him using a hand gesture toward that member that would cause most folks to take offense.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Kathy Zhang


    As an action learning coach, I would approach this situation with a blend of empathy, assertiveness and problem-solving. First I will determine whether the sarcastic comments and hand gesture were intended as playful banter or if they crossed the line into offensive tone. If the behavior is clearly offensive, I will intervene immediately. Politely but firmly address the situation by saying something like,” Excuse me, let’s keep our interactions respectful.” If it doesn’t work, I will bring the entire team together for a discussion. I would ask the team: “ I noticed that some team members felt uncomfortable…” and allow team members share their feelings and perspectives. Encourage active listening and empathy. Then I will involve the late member and the team in finding solutions. Reinforce team norms and agree on consequences for repeated incidents. After the session, I will schedule a follow-up conversation with the late member to assess progress.


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    sudesh prabhakaran


    As an action learning coach, I’d address punctuality privately, emphasizing its impact. For disrespectful behavior like sarcasm and offensive gestures, I’d intervene immediately, facilitating a discussion on respectful communication and conflict resolution. Working with the team member, I’d emphasize aligning behavior with team values for a more positive dynamic.


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