Scenario: Question Question Question

As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: A member asks a particularly energizing question, several members follow this with additional questions before there is time for a response.

Tags: Action Learning, ActionLearning Coach, Team Coach, WIAL, WIAL Action Learning, WIAL Talk

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    Trang Thu


    As a learning coach in this situation I continue to observe. If it’s all the group’s choice to follow a question, then I respect that.
    If the direction of the team is not what the presenter wants, then I will intervene. I will ask the team:
    – Hi team. How are we working as a team?
    – What is the team doing to help PP?
    – What can we do better?


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    Bo Ee Bernard Chwee


    As a coach, i will intervene by asking: – “Team, I observed that we have questions with no answer. What is happening?”

    After answers are heard, I will follow-on by asking: – “What will happen if we continue?”

    After answers are heard, I will follow-on by asking: – “How can we prevent this from happening again?”


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    Przemysław Witka


    “Team, I hard a lot of questions during the last X minutes. Some of them didn’t have a chance to be answered. I just want to check if we didn’t miss important one. Where there any question(s), we as a group should give more attention to?”


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    Kevin Mukherjee


    “Team, I have observed that multiple questions have been offered to the group, does the team feel that proper time is being provided to answer each one fully? To the original member with the polarizing question…”do you feel your question has been answered?” If not, “how can the team ensure that proper focus is provided to each question before moving the the next topic? Now, who has the next question for.(member’s name)”


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    Hèlen Rasenberg


    As an action learning coach I observe if the questions the team asks are related to the problem. If not then I will ask the team to focus on the problem and first answer the initial question before asking more questions. After that we can go on with asking quenstions en giving answers. Focus is important!


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      Cynthia Wong


      Yes, answer the initial question before asking more question. Focus is key. Agree


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    Keith Almalvez


    I will start of by saying “Team, I noticed that we didn’t get to answer the previous questions prior to recent questions we just heard, is it correct?”. After the team shared their views, I’ll ask “Team, what could happen if we keep asking questions without giving some time to answer the previous ones first?”. Once the team is done sharing their insights, I’ll wrap up by asking “Team, which of those questions you want to answer first?”.


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    Shikha Dalal-Angeline


    As coach, I would allow the group to continue with this method for a moment – first to see whether it fizzles out and the problem presenter is able to respond to questions, and to also observe whether a pattern in the group norm is emerging.

    I would then intervene by using the what/ so what / now what method:
    “How is our current method of questioning helping or not helping the problem presenter?”
    “What will happen if we continue with this method of questioning?”
    “What would the group like to change to be more effective in their questioning?”
    “How can we go about implementing XYZ suggestions?”

    If the group backtracks at all, I would intervene again and remind them of the group norm that has been set.


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    Phạm Thanh Tùng


    I will intervene: “hello Team, according to my observations, in the last 5 minutes we have many unanswered questions. Does anyone in the team realize it like me?”
    “What happens when we keep asking questions?”
    After listening to the members’ sharing, I will ask the next question:
    “So what are we going to do when this situation doesn’t happen next time?”


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    Ngoc Phuong Ngan Nguyen


    As an Action Learning Coach, my response for this situation would be as follows:
    – I observe the situation to evaluate the additional questions. If the additional questions are not too many and simple that can attach to the first question, I will let the team go with the flow.
    – If the additional questions are too much and it’s quite complicated to handle at one time. I would intervene with some questions to team for their response and their self-recognize to improve the situation:
    – – “Hello team, it seems like that team is very interested with the sponsored problem so we are asking a series of questions with no time given for the answer. Does the team think that this is a good way to collect the information?”
    — “Can our team let our member answer the first question first then if it’s not clear, our team can ask additional questions later?”


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    Ngoc Phuong Ngan Nguyen


    As an Action Learning Coach, my response for this situation would be as follows:
    – I observe the situation to evaluate the additional questions. If the additional questions are not too many and simple that can attach to the first question, I will let the team go with the flow.
    – If the additional questions are too much and it’s quite complicated to handle at one time. I would intervene with some questions to team for their response and their self-recognize to improve the situation:
    – – “Hello team, I observe that team is very interested with the sponsored problem so we are asking a series of questions with no time given for the answer. Does the team think that is a good way to collect the information?”
    — “Can our team let our member answer the first question first then if it’s not clear, our team can ask additional questions later?”


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    Natamon Warathadaphong


    I would intervene and inform team member that I observe, we have not yet heard from everyone as the question ask for answering from all members. After everyone answer the question so next question will start


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    Thắng Nguyễn Minh


    As a coach, I will use interventions and ask the group about the observed behavior, helping the team to recognize the impact of this behavior and self-correct.
    – What: I observe that we are asking a lot of questions before we have time to answer. What is happening
    – So what: What do you think is the impact of this?
    – Now what: What can we do better in the next few minutes?


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    Nguyen Son


    I would observe PP before any intervention made. If PP is well handling the situation (take good notes to record all question…), then PP and team would be comfortable with giving all questions first, then PP elaborate. If the contrary happens when PP is showing little confidence and loss, coach may intervene by asking team:
    – I observe we have quite a number of unanswered questions, what is happening
    – What do you think would be the impact to our team performance if it continues
    – What can we do to improve this


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    Trang Nguyen


    As a coach, i will use intervention with question:
    – I observe that there are many questions being asked without answers, what is happening?
    – What is the impact of this?
    – What should we do to get better in few minutes?


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