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As an action learning coach, how would you handle the following situation: Your action learning group has met several times, asking questions to better clarify the nature of the problem as presented by the problem owner’s delegate in the initial session.  It became clear after the second session however that the delegate could not answer most of the questions the group was posing, so the group agreed the problem owner should be invited to the next session.  The problem owner came to the next session for about 45 minutes due to his tight schedule, and cancelled two meetings with the group over the next month.  The delegate was running into scheduling roadblocks with the problem owner, despite his initial pledge that he was fully supportive of the effort.  The delegate was becoming concerned that she was loosing credibility with team members and that they were losing motivation to participate.

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation:

During the Single Problem Action Learning session, the coach reminds all team members a few times that they have to think about the actions they will commit to at the end of the session, in preparation for the follow up session. When the coach asks for the actions at the end of the session, several people have listed the same or nearly identical action. How would you react as coach ?

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation:

The team in a single problem action learning set asks questions to the sponsor (the boss), and in addition to just answering the question, the sponsor talks about the context, history, options, ideas for solutions … and this even when the question asked was a closed one … Even if the team members become aware of this, they struggle – in particular in a high power distance (respect for authority) – to do anything about it. How would you as a coach intervene ?

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation: What do you do as a coach when a team member asks a question which is obviously in no way related to the problem presented?  I.e. the team is working on an organisational culture problem and the next question is “Does anyone in the group have a preference for where we have lunch?”

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation:

The problem presented is outside the control or influence of the problem presenter and the team. For instance: A consultants presents about an organization he does not consult for – Organization A has a culture of fear.

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation:

The problem presented is outside the control or influence of the problem presenter and the team. For instance: A consultants presents about an organization he does not consult for – Organization A has a culture of fear.

As an Action Learning Coach how would you handle the following situation:

The team is shifting in their understanding of the true nature of the problem. For instance the original problem is presented as “How should we restructure the organization for efficiency?” and they are shifting to “The communication between team members has eroded to the point that we work against each other instead of helping each other.”

Danny Caine

Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) created a 9 month customized leadership development program to prepare its top managers to recreate the organization for greater effectiveness over the coming decades in a complex multiple-stakeholder environment. Action Learning was the key part of the program, and the part that participants appreciated the most !

“The Action learning group segment was vital as it created accountability and heightened the importance of active listening, working collectively and giving and receiving feedback.”

Danny Caine
Chief of Security
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) Caribbean

Auchan Retail in Ukraine is undergoing important changes and management transformations. Looking for a methodology to support the change at the different levels of the organization, Action Learning was confirmed as an excellent integral method and the first feedback is very positive. We have certified 12 Action Learning ambassadors who have in turn trained over 350 collaborators to implement Action Learning-based change initiatives in their different work areas.

“The WIAL action learning methodology is 100% in line with our goal which is to move to collaborative behaviors and helps people to be more open minded, creative and innovative.”

Frédéric Henin
Talent Development Director
Auchan Retail Ukraine